Swing plane

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May 12, 2016
Well then you'd been wrong in your thinking if you equate that swing to my swing theory.

After looking at the entire clip...yes, she is already "sitting" in her stance, and sits even further into it as she loads/coils, and thus then pushes up, and forward out of it, and actually has to "shift" her weight forward into her lead leg, in order to get leverage from that leg before she can start to TTB, and swing/launch the bat/barrel...

Unfortunately this is just another form of "Shift THEN Swing", and why I said earlier that it was "Hard to say with just that partial clip", and why I would need the full one to say for sure.

Julray, please don't let where the information comes from distract you from the information itself as some who've proven to never understand it are trying to do to or for you.

If you don't want to hear it from me that's fine, but please then listen to members like rdbass who understand it, FP26 who has a great grasp of it, pattar whose showing he's got a good handle on it, Buttermaker who has posted some really nice clips of his hitters doing/using it, or any of the others who right off the top of my head I know I'm forgetting (my apologies in advance to those members).

But please don't throw the baby out with the bath water. I believe that you're starting to understand what it is that many of us are saying, and have used with a lot of success...and it would be a shame if those who still don't get it derail your efforts in making your DD into the hitter that I really think she can become.

All the best, and good luck,

Thanks MB. I respect all of you on here.. even rdbass, just kidding mate, :). I may argue or disagree, but honestly it just facilitates more discuss and better understanding. I agree with your analysis of my DD's swing. I have 6 months to get it right before next ball season. I am going to make this easier for her.. I know I am asking for a lot, but I was wondering if you could please advise where I should start here to get this right. I want to start simple and one or two things at a time so I don't frustrate her. I will continue to post videos on here of her progress.. maybe start a new thread.

Also thank you for your vote of confidence regarding my DD... she works hard and has a big heart.
May 3, 2014
I 'm not sure if he is on DFP but Juan Soriano on Twitter (CoachJSoriano) is showing some amazing progressions with the hitters he works with. Check him out. Not sure if there anyone else that shows as many hitters as he does.
Jul 16, 2013
Thanks for the response FP. thats a great clue, the strong forearms, why and in what part of the swing would strong forearms come into play? Some players cock their wrists early, creating tension, and that builds as the swing progresses. is this where you think there may be a "quick muscle" release? And the same can be said for the fastpitch pitcher, as the circle goes round tension builds. This can be felt if you stand against the wall, ball out against the wall, and go in a circle all the way to down.

I've really never thought about "building tension". Some others have discussed an analogy of a 'drag racer' in another thread. Allow me to build on that. There is a moment when a drag racer goes from a stage of preparedness to one of 'go'. This is what some people refer to as 'launch'. However, the drag racer does not step on the pedal in order to 'go' and then take his foot off the pedal. He maintains pressure on the pedal until he approaches the finish line. Unless, of course, he tries to abort the race before crossing that finish line.
May 12, 2016
I 'm not sure if he is on DFP but Juan Soriano on Twitter (CoachJSoriano) is showing some amazing progressions with the hitters he works with. Check him out. Not sure if there anyone else that shows as many hitters as he does.

Thanks for posting! Lots of excellent vids here. He said he posts even more on his instagram page.. but you need to request to follow first

Question, what about those hitters that seem to move their head a lot? Their head almost goes sideways (like they are lying on a pillow).. this can't be desirable?
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
I've really never thought about "building tension". Some others have discussed an analogy of a 'drag racer' in another thread. Allow me to build on that. There is a moment when a drag racer goes from a stage of preparedness to one of 'go'. This is what some people refer to as 'launch'. However, the drag racer does not step on the pedal in order to 'go' and then take his foot off the pedal. He maintains pressure on the pedal until he approaches the finish line. Unless, of course, he tries to abort the race before crossing that finish line.

Its a pleasure talking to you FP. Drag racers do not give all their power at go, its a feather thing, accomplished by software these days, and slipping converters. Its eased into. I just watched a vid about the same thing concerning the swing. In the swing things happen in the hands and arm before the bat turns, widening the gap between the barrel and forearm. I will post these later and i will read your links through.

tHank you
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
What 'manipulation' did I use. That is a gif from the video YOU posted. The last swing/gif in YOUR video:


That little 'adjustment' at the end of the swing/gif is what happens when the 'hands are along for the ride'.
This hitter is from a couple of years ago any current swings to see how she progressed under your instructions.

This is not what Donaldson is demonstrating. IMO Mann is misinterpreting and/or missing key pieces of Donaldson's demonstration.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
I'll bail out of this, just pointed out a few things....but, show me where I 'bashed' you. You have been the 'bashing' one.
I've also 'showed' what I've(DD) has done in the past.

When folks present questionable ideas they should in turn be questioned ... that isn't 'bashing', but respecting the game.
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
This is not what Donaldson is demonstrating. IMO Mann is misinterpreting and/or missing key pieces of Donaldson's demonstration.

When did i say this young lady was demonstrating What JD was saying? Have not posted that clip for years.

I understand perfectly what JD is saying in this segment. https://photos.smugmug.com/Other/Bagdrill/i-S2ndGNg/0/0ddc285b/640/jdturning strong-640.mp4
And it has nothing to do with what Bass says i should do. https://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc520/stevecarterpp/TopHandDrill.gif

Here is the whole clip i made. not to demoe JD, i made it years before JD made his.

I also asked where she was feeling it, back side she said. very early in working with her at this point. Trying to get her to use her body to turn the bat. Horrible i know, just horrible.

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