Shoulder Dip

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Jan 29, 2015
Thanks for the advice. I have read a ton of the IR thread and will probably keep re-reading it several times. Curious to know who signs up on this website today and calls me by my first name in a post? Do I know you What Up?
Jan 29, 2015
Bahahaha, yes you can read What up. And yes when you put two and two together my name is Jay. Keep trolling!
Jan 29, 2015
There is nothing wrong with trolling as long as you are providing good advice and you are so keep trolling!
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
What up? Is that a record for his shortest visit! He does kinda grow on you after a while (like mold on a bagel...)
Jun 19, 2013
waiting for agreement on any given topic is a tough road, at the end of the day it is up to you to decide what is and isn't an issue. I have both completely ignored and completely followed input on pitching from pretty much everyone on this site. Lots of consensus here but also enough differences to allow for two opinions to both be correct. A lot of pitching instruction just comes down to what works for the individual pitcher. As a parent or coach, if you tackle the wrong thing, you can spend a lot of time on a snipe hunt. For me, if I can't link something I perceive as a flaw to a negative outcome then I take a pass on worrying about it until I see some evidence of the flaw either limiting improvement or causing an outright problem.

So I would ask how is her speed for her age? how is her accuracy? is she having any problems getting the right spin on any pitching she throws?

I think this is an excellent reply. You should keep this one and cut and paste it for other newbies that come on and have similar questions :)
May 9, 2014
Umatilla, Florida
My dd has an excessive shoulder dip, she misses high a lot, (not over the catchers head high)

I take video and show her a freeze frame of the excessive dip and tell her "don't do that"
Then I'll show her a video of non dip. This has worked the best at getting her to stop. Oh and using the clicker!

My dd's dip was excessive tho. I'll get some video and post it

I hate tacos- said no Juan anywhere

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