Senoir Night

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Sep 9, 2019
I actually have no problem with this. I absolutely think every Senior should play on Senior Night. Pinch run, half inning on defense, maybe an AB. My thing (and admittedly, I seem to be a minority of one) is that being a starter means something and is earned rather than is given simply for putting in time.
1 game of 30?. Announced in the line up, on the field for the anthem. More to it than being trotted out like a scrub. Yeah, SLly got stranded on 1st for senior night as a CR. Hood for her. Trying to be nice and struggling
Feb 12, 2014
so why not in the first inning? or you would rather the coach be trying to figure out a way to get them in in the late innings?

Oh, forgot, an individual consecutive starts record.

Nah, wouldn't be because of that at all. Covid took care of that, and I've tried to be civil so I'm not sure why the shot was necessary. Starting (regardless of any type of streak) to me means something more. Being a starter is important. Again, I'm perfectly willing to accept that not everyone feels that way and have said you make really valid points.
Feb 12, 2014
lets take a look at this really

I think a low% of these girls are going to be seniors in areas where SB is played in spring. too many other things on seniors minds unless they are really into the sport (prom, senior trip, picking a college, their summer plans). even if 1/4 of this 1/3 are seniors (statistically likely), that is 1/12 of the team. that is at most two players (or your HS coach is an idiot carrying 30 girls). did they come out all four years? are they good teammates? do they work hard? if yes to all, start them. one inning and two PA (one for both) is not going to destroy your season (if your season hangs on that thin a thread, probably would not do anything post season anyway). and guess what, it is in situation like that the girls surprise you. they reach 1B on a stupid blooper, or they drive in a winning run with an ackward infield hit. also, if worried about how long they are in, bat them 1 and 2, and after 1st inning, presto, you have your normal lineup.

this is not everyone gets a trophy, this is girls who have worked hard and supported their team get recognized.

They absolutely do get recognized. They get recognized in the pregame ceremony, they get recognized in the post season banquet. They get recognized by having a banner hung at the field for them.
May 6, 2015
you can have your diploma, have a graduation party, put an announcement in the newspapers . . . but you cannot walk across that stage, great graduation, right?
May 29, 2019
I actually have no problem with this. I absolutely think every Senior should play on Senior Night. Pinch run, half inning on defense, maybe an AB. My thing (and admittedly, I seem to be a minority of one) is that being a starter means something and is earned rather than is given simply for putting in time.
Honestly, how would your DD feel if the coach came to her before the game and said "Hey, it's Senior night. I'm going to have "Sally" take the field to start the game and sit you down the first inning. It'll be a great thing for her that she will always remember." Would she be happy for her teammate, or would she demand that Daddy call the Athletic Director and complain?
Feb 12, 2014
Honestly, how would your DD feel if the coach came to her before the game and said "Hey, it's Senior night. I'm going to have "Sally" take the field to start the game and sit you down the first inning. It'll be a great thing for her that she will always remember." Would she be happy for her teammate, or would she demand that Daddy call the Athletic Director and complain?

She absolutely would not go with option 2. That's not the way we operate and never will.

I know that she would be disappointed not to start. And, while I am sure some on this thread will find that to be selfish, I can rest easy knowing that the kid isn't selfish at all - she'll walk through hell in a gasoline suit to help the team win (one of my favorite Pete Rose quotes). I've seen her do things that very, very few others would be willing to do in order to win.

I know what my kid has done to make herself the player she is today. I know the sacrifices she's made and the things she's not done in order to lift, hit, field, run while other kids weren't.

But, in the end, I'd hope she would accept the coach's decision to bench her and work harder so that it would never happen again.
Jun 11, 2012
I actually have no problem with this. I absolutely think every Senior should play on Senior Night. Pinch run, half inning on defense, maybe an AB. My thing (and admittedly, I seem to be a minority of one) is that being a starter means something and is earned rather than is given simply for putting in time.
So many times in DD’s softball years, travel, HS and now junior year of college she’s played teams much weaker than hers. Especially if it’s a double header or games close together her coaches have started bench players because of the competition level. Would you have the same issue with your DD not starting in this situation?

I totally agree that starting spots should be earned but there are always going to be situations where a starter sits for an inning or a game.
Last season we found out DD’s season was over while we were in FL for spring training. She’s a starter, leadoff batter. Most of the starting lineup sat the last 2 games down there because the season was basically over. Did we win, No. But in my eyes it was the right thing to do
Aug 25, 2019
She absolutely would not go with option 2. That's not the way we operate and never will.

I know that she would be disappointed not to start. And, while I am sure some on this thread will find that to be selfish, I can rest easy knowing that the kid isn't selfish at all - she'll walk through hell in a gasoline suit to help the team win (one of my favorite Pete Rose quotes). I've seen her do things that very, very few others would be willing to do in order to win.

I know what my kid has done to make herself the player she is today. I know the sacrifices she's made and the things she's not done in order to lift, hit, field, run while other kids weren't.

But, in the end, I'd hope she would accept the coach's decision to bench her and work harder so that it would never happen again.
Hmm you didn’t answer if your daughter would be happy for the senior, probably not. You know you raised a good DD if she was the #1 starter on the team, yet on senior night she was the first one to say to a non starting senior “ hey take my spot, it’s your time”. That would make me most proud of my daughter if she said that then having her pout on the bench because she sat for an inning or two, I’d be embarrassed if she did that.
Mar 8, 2016
DD has worked her rear end off to earn her stsrting apot as freshman. It took till half way through the year to solidify it. Fast foward to senior day at her college and there is a senior who needs to start at her spot. Turns out dd suffered a significant injury in the previous game and was out anyway. The senior would have started regardless. She had 1 hit all year in limited abs. First game of senior day she is 2 for 3 with a walk and 3 RBIs. Highlight of her career. We took dd out after the game and she said the senior had asked about her injury and was sorry she was not going to be cleared to play. There is no way I think my dd should have started if she would have been healthy. The coach also sat a junior who has been an all american and is leading the team in BA and OPS to let a senior play. The poster who talked about building a program is right. Many parents are so wrapped up in viewing things through the prism of their dd that they don't realize the coach has a lot of things to consider when making decisions.

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May 6, 2015
She had 1 hit all year in limited abs. First game of senior day she is 2 for 3 with a walk and 3 RBIs. Highlight of her career.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Exactly, they shock you, something about the pride, and not wanting to let teammates down, and they play way over their head a lot of the time.

sorry about DD, hope she is back out there soon.

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