Rated the best coach in TB? Why? It's a Crying Shame.

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Apr 20, 2018
So it seems to me that if recruiting was more based off skill videos, performance at camps and showcases, and conversations with the player and parents
The coach RollingHard is referring to has a tremendous amount of players earn college scholarships. I think that's why parents put up with it. Prestige of the name of the org and chasing schollies.
Oh great, DD got a schollie. She has permanent psychological damage and is in an abusive relationship now but she got the schollie! Oh and BTW these girls are 14 y/o. Still 2 years from being recruited.
If the power to get scholarships was at least partially taken away from TB coaches it would be a giant plus for the game. So it seems to me that if recruiting was more based off e mails, skill videos, performance at camps and showcases, and conversations with the player and parents. I suspect the crazy TB coaches recommend players to the crazy college coaches. Poor girls.
Aug 3, 2019
In our little rinky-dink B level, local Georgia tournaments, I was coaching a game and an umpire comes up to me and says:

"This coach you're playing cheats. Be on the lookout"

... and low and behold, the coach did try to cheat in the game.

So if umpires are warning other coaches about this guy, makes me wonder what they think about the coaches who are really bad (and they don't like).
Lol—-how did the other coach attempt to cheat?
Oct 4, 2018
Coach's name is interesting. I agree coaches love seeing their name. For sure.

However, we have an Org here called Atlanta Premier - we call them "AP". They have about 20 teams in each age group. The common joke is "Which AP team are we playing?" The coach's name does help keep things straight.
Apr 28, 2014
Coach's name is interesting. I agree coaches love seeing their name. For sure.

However, we have an Org here called Atlanta Premier - we call them "AP". They have about 20 teams in each age group. The common joke is "Which AP team are we playing?" The coach's name does help keep things straight.

Yep when we started our org had 3 teams. 18, 16, 14. Today we have 14 teams with 3 at 18s. Without a last name you'd never know who you're playing. I do like the point about emailing extra innings lol. That's pure magic :)
Oct 4, 2018
Lol—-how did the other coach attempt to cheat?

Their catcher got a hit. So they wanted to put in a courtesy runner, which is fine in our rules. But he marched out the fastest girl on the team. Rule is that you can only use the last batter to get out. He knowingly and clearly violated that rule. And thus caused us to call time, approach the ump, waste 10 minutes, disrupt the game and the girls' fun, etc. etc.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Their catcher got a hit. So they wanted to put in a courtesy runner, which is fine in our rules. But he marched out the fastest girl on the team. Rule is that you can only use the last batter to get out. He knowingly and clearly violated that rule. And thus caused us to call time, approach the ump, waste 10 minutes, disrupt the game and the girls' fun, etc. etc.

Is that rule specific to the tournament you were playing in?


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
So if umpires are warning other coaches about this guy, makes me wonder what they think about the coaches who are really bad (and they don't like).
You will never hear me tell a coach about another coach when I am officiating. But yes, umpires talk. As I said it - it is normally a bunch of old gossips. Coaches get reputations - and these are often part of a pre-game discussion between officials.

We have trouble scheduling 2 high school coaches because most of the umpires refuse to go there and the coaches have blocked other umpires over various perceived slights.

For one coach during one of the meetings, we were provided instructions to ALWAYS announce the count loudly when it reaches a 2 ball/whatever strike count because he teaches his batters to run to first on ball 3 when there are runners on base and then pretend it wasn't intentional. It was his new 'loophole' and he had been bragging to people how it worked so well. That has put a stop to that.

There a couple who teach their players to intentionally run into fielders to get obstruction calls.

Another I ALWAYS go over the look back rule pre-game with the other official because they do a lot of walking around the bases trying to draw throws with a runner on third (high level longtime HS/travel coach - not some 10U idiot)
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Oct 4, 2018
Is that rule specific to the tournament you were playing in?

Yes. Pretty commonly known in our little circle. I'm not a fan. Mainly because I think these 10, 11, 12 year old girls should all learn and experience base-running. Also, how crappy is it to say: "Nice hit, that was awesome. You're benched!"

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