letting kids play other sports

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Dec 11, 2010
"Because I said so" is easily criticized but it is an extremely important concept for kids to learn. Too few are doing it. The twentysomethings I train occasionally struggle with this in 2017, they didn't 10 years ago or so.

Yes, most of the time I prefer "do this, here is why" but everyone should be able to perform a task without 10 minutes of explanation prior. Even better if they are put in a situation where they figure out the "why" while performing the task. This applies to dog training, employee training and child training very nicely.
Last edited:
Jun 8, 2016
"Because I said so" is easily criticized but it is an extremely important concept for kids to learn. Too few are doing it. The twentysomethings I train occasionally struggle with this in 2017, they didn't 10 years ago or so.

I say it all the time to my 7 year old. When I am in a good mood I usually then tell her, when she complains, to trust that I, her father, have her best interests in mind when I say it :p


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I've often been tempted to confirm that the remote controlled dog training collars are as effective with athletes/kids as they are with dogs.
Nov 26, 2010
This flies in the face of the role, authority, and responsibility of a true parent. This sounds like a parent that has abdicated their role and assumed that of the minor child's "best friend".

That's a BS answer. So a true parent only would allow the child to do one sport as chosen by the parent because that parent is in charge? I let my dd pick what she did. Always did and it's not because I want to be her friend. It's because I want her to be happy. Nothing wrong with that. And if along the way my dd was #1 in her HS for academics and awarded the top female athlete in her school. Along with a host of other honors for academics, sports , band... I feel we made great choices. And those great choices have paid off in her college life as she knew how to balance more then 2 responsibilities at a time. We aren't just training softball players. We are raising young people to be adults who live their lives. There is more then one way to do that. And it's not all command and control.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Some thread creep here about parenting styles.

All I know is whatever style you have of parenting will get a lot of critism from those who think they know everything, many of whom are childless.

Kids seem to have a lot less independence these days than they did in the past. Although in some immigrant communities the opposite is true. My wife is Asian and is not always used to the freedom her American born kids have.

There is no one size fits all solution.

I was a little disappointed when DD 2 and DD 3 decided not to run cross country again this year. DD 2 is taking 4 AP classes, plus study for ACT and SAT. DD 3 joined a higher level team and wants to concentrate on softball and studying. They tried XC last year, but didn't want to do it again.

These girls are learning to prepare for their future. They will be adults soon. They need to learn to run their own lives at some point.
Dec 11, 2010
Hey just to be clear here, I am not saying that I limited either of my daughters to one sport in hs. One chose it as a junior one chose it as a freshman.

Both chose to work out with trainers for strength speed and agility. It wasn't my idea. They enjoy it and there is a lot of camaraderie among participants. I made it available to them but they have to want to do it themselves... Both do their own scheduling directly for workouts and hitting. I do the paying and the driving for the one who doesn't have a drivers license. Seems like the exact opposite of helicopter parenting although I do enjoy it.

Bob In Madison, I must admit I love it when there is topic creep! It reminds me of a conversation in a room full of interesting people, it just flows.

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