Lessons from a video I made of giving lessons

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Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Here is a video I put together of a 13 year old player that I worked with for the first time.

She will be playing on my team this summer so I wanted to get her started on some of my hitting essentials. Previously played community rec ball where as an athlete she excelled. We worked and she hung in there for :90 minutes as I threw a ton of major concepts at her. Brain overload I feared but she actually really stayed with me. Then I put together this video for her and for another coach that has been working with her for a few months.

I thought you all would enjoy it and take something away whether good or bad. What do you think?

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Jun 18, 2012
My favorite part is 2:36 - 2:41. Some will give you flack for that footwork (our HS coach would completely ban its use), but I like it, as I have one of my players using that exact footwork and it has done wonders for her. Doesn't mean I'll be doing it with all my players.

I think there is a hint of barrel-dumping at 4:10.

I've made those devices, but I no longer use them, not in the full swing.
Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Good stuff Doug

I think there is a hint of barrel-dumping at 4:10.

Absolutely no doubt. This was all one 90 minute session including learning what she knew, watching 35 minutes of video showing good swings (and other stuff like Tewks Barrel to the Ball) then explanations, then a lesson. I was amazing she hung in there through all of that.
Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Doug, that big inward turn leg kick is a no teach from me as long as they get a nice turn against the back leg but after seeing that clip you posted it may become a teach! :)
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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Ihowser .... the comparison of pivot points between your two daughters is not valid. You are comparing two different portions of the swing. For your older daughter you are comparing from 'transition' to 'contact'. For your younger daughter you are comparing from 'post release' to 'extension'. Simply not a valid comparison.

The issue is that your daughter doesn't know how to use her hands at swing initiation. She is in a sense a 'bat dragger' that passes through a "Lazy L". The hands are basically asleep and simply holding on to the barrel. Learn to turn the barrel.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
This is not "turning the barrel".

Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
the comparison of pivot points between your two daughters is not valid
Not my daughter FFS. A player I will have on my team. The one in the red was my DD.

the comparison of pivot points between your two daughters is not valid.
Yes and no.
True it is at a different point of the swing however, both isolations represent a part of the swing where the player believes they are aligning the barrel to contact.
Jan 24, 2011
I really do appreciate those that show their actual teaching and work. I get much more from that than I do from those that just post and repost and cut up MLB players.
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