Ideas needed to get a girl moving...

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Apr 29, 2023

I need some creative drills, please. We have a 7yo who will not go after the ball during live play. During practice when she knows it's expected, she fields pretty well and semi-attacks the ball. In a game, she's checked out and when a ball comes her way, her head isn't even turning to follow the ball visually.

For what it's worth, her reaction time when a ball is coming down when she's at bat and gets too close to her is also nill.

Anyone have some creative drills that would help get her reacting more quickly?
Dec 2, 2013
But seriously, she is 7 let her enjoy the game and see if she has a desire to get better. I would not worry until 9 or 10. She will show by then, if she cares to improve. You can not force it on her.
My exact thoughts. At this age they are still learning how the game works. It's all about making it fun for the kids. They will naturally improve and develop as a result of reps and having fun with it. I wouldn't be too concerned about exact mechanics. Moreso, are they moving in the right direction to the ball, running to 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, home, swinging the bat and making contact, throwing the ball to the spot? You know your DD better than anyone. Find what makes it fun for her.
Nov 20, 2020
SW Missouri
She's 7, not much you can do other than keep it fun for when she's ready to learn. The only offering I have would be to provide over-praise when she does actually track or field a ball. Instill a positive enforcement so she's incentivized to put a little "effort" into it. Heck, even a candy reward should work. Every fielded ball equals a piece of her favorite candy. Not a bad idea to offer that to the whole team. If you do that, can I came play on the team too? I prefer Reese's PB Cups if you're taking suggestions........
Dec 2, 2013
She's 7, not much you can do other than keep it fun for when she's ready to learn. The only offering I have would be to provide over-praise when she does actually track or field a ball. Instill a positive enforcement so she's incentivized to put a little "effort" into it. Heck, even a candy reward should work. Every fielded ball equals a piece of her favorite candy. Not a bad idea to offer that to the whole team. If you do that, can I came play on the team too? I prefer Reese's PB Cups if you're taking suggestions........
Reese's DQ Blizzards should be enough motivation to get any human moving.
Jun 18, 2023
some degree of ADHD maybe? Or just being 7. Focus is a skill too, and kids learn it differently/faster than others.

Obviously reinforce ready position with the pitch. Give her a more advanced routine if they're not doing that already. 2 steps into ready position, etc. Emphasize that she can (And maybe should) walk around after a pitch before getting back. Look to first, look to third, look at the pitcher, get to position A, pitcher is ready, now step step ready position B.

Or if she just doesn't want to, she just doesn't want to. game can be slow at that level. Try to give her a warning if the balls coming to her "that's yours!" or something.
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