I am avoiding the radar gun like the plague.

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May 15, 2016
DD2 started pitching two months ago. Her PC, who also coached the #1 pitcher on the 14u team she just made, said to me she does not have the accuracy of the #1 pitcher, but is definitely faster. Its not that my DD is wild, she is just not consistently hitting the corners yet. I wouldn't expect her to be hitting the corners yet, but she does have more strikeouts than walks.

I've had moments of wondering what speed she is throwing, but I immediately dismiss it, I don't want to get caught up in the numbers. When should a pitcher know the speed of her pitches? I was assuming it is only relevant when it comes to recruiting, is that correct?

BTW, she is playing B level ball and I have no expectation she will play any higher.
May 15, 2016
Very true, but I know me, I can too easily get caught up in assessing numbers. I can imagine myself plotting her speed on a graph to see the rate of her improvement. For now I think I should let myself be content to watch her improve her location, and can see that she is getting faster.
Oct 9, 2013
Hey Bob,

In my opinion, 14u should know the speed of their pitches. Not just for trying to make them faster but more importantly learning how and when to change speeds to keep the hitters off balance. The good teams will catch up to the heat regardless of how fast it is. Good Luck!
May 15, 2016
learning how and when to change speeds to keep the hitters off balance.

I have read people here saying a change-up should be a certain mph slower than a fastball. If her change up is so noticeably slower than her fastball is it still important to know the difference?

Right now she only has a fastball and change-up. I can see if she had more pitches knowing the speed of each pitch could be helpful. Wouldn't that information be important to her coach calling the pitches and not her.

Thanks, I have much to learn.
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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
You should be able to eye change up too, radar gun is not end all be all.

Be careful with a noticeably slower change up, batter can start thier swing and regroup and swing again if it is too slow.
Jun 12, 2015
My DD is very competitive with herself. Checking in on her speed at regular intervals shows her her progress in that one area. She also knows that spin and accuracy are at least as important as speed. I don't think using the radar gun has had any negative impact on her. We don't clock every session by any means but at least once a month we'll take a peek and see how she's doing.
May 15, 2016
Be careful with a noticeably slower change up, batter can start thier swing and regroup and swing again if it is too slow.

Good point. Her PC is happy with her change up, and says its a good thing that it generally drops early and hits the ground before the plate. If her PC is happy with it, then I am happy.
May 15, 2016
My DD is very competitive with herself. Checking in on her speed at regular intervals shows her her progress in that one area. She also knows that spin and accuracy are at least as important as speed. I don't think using the radar gun has had any negative impact on her. We don't clock every session by any means but at least once a month we'll take a peek and see how she's doing.

Sounds like the radar gun serves your DD well. All my daughter cares about is if she is better than every other pitcher on her team. She regularly asks me if I think she is the fastest. She sees herself as #3 in accuracy, and determined to be the most accurate. She has never asked me once what I think her speed is.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
The best response from a pitcher to a question regarding speed is "I don't really know". I conveys a sense of understanding as to what is truly important. Conversely if all a pitcher, parents, or coach speak of is speed it shows that they have very little else to talk about.

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