How important is it to make all tryout dates?

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Jan 23, 2010
First of all, a little back story--as I've mentioned a million times before, TB is scarce in my area. I'm nearing the end of my summer hitting lessons (instructor will be heading back to her D1 school where she plays softball) and she has recommended that I try out for a travel team. She thinks I could hang with the girls and my father was so impressed with my batting he thinks it might be worth the money to drive an hour for the practices.

The two closest teams are about an hour away--one in one direction, one in the other. Of course, their tryouts have to conflict. Both have tryouts Thursday at the same time, Saturday Team A has tryouts from 2-5pm, Team B has tryouts from 3-5. Then Team A has tryouts from 6-8pm on the 17 and from 2-5pm on the 21st. I've heard everyone talk about how important it is to attend all tryout dates, but I don't think that will be feasible. Will all the decisions be made after the last tryout date? Will I miss out if I am only able to attend the last tryout date for one of the teams?

I want to try out for both, in case I don't make one or whatever the case maybe. I know girls from both teams. On Team A, I've played with one of the girls before and her father is listed as a point of contact for information about the tryouts.

Neither one of these teams say that all positions are open or that they are only looking for certain positions, so I assume they are having open tryouts?
Jul 26, 2010
My advice is to prioritize the teams, and pick one that you would rather play for.

Attend that team's tryout first. If you feel that you had a good tryout, then go to team B's tryout on the second day. If you feel you really "blew it" then you may want to consider attending the first team's tryout again.

If TB really is as scarce as you say, you may also just opt to contact the coaches, tell them about your availability issues, and ask if there is any way you can try out on an alternate day. Many teams will let you do this on a normal practice day, throw you in with the team, and see how you do. IT all depends on how structured their tryouts are and how open they are to more players.

Whatever you do, don't tell either team that you're trying out for the other team as a reason you can't make their second tryout. I'm not telling you to lie, just not to volunteer this information. They may just write you off as "going to play for that other team".



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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
This is just like applying for a job.

Will all the decisions be made after the last tryout date?

No. The coaches make up their minds for most of the positions. But, there will be positions that are open.

The thinking of the coach is, "I've got 8 solid players. I need 4 more girls. I know that 4 girls from the first tryout will work if I need them."

So, generally, the coach doesn't need any players from the last tryout. But, if he finds someone who will help his team, he'll make room for a player.

Will I miss out if I am only able to attend the last tryout date for one of the teams?


It depends upon how good you are. If you are a marginal player, then missing a tryout could kill your chances of a making a team. If you are a great player, then it won't matter.

If you are a player "on the bubble" of making or not making the team, then your failure to attend a practice will hurt.

Neither one of these teams say that all positions are open or that they are only looking for certain positions, so I assume they are having open tryouts?

The team already has a core group of girls. So, they are not looking for 14 girls. They are probably looking for 4 or 5 girls.

They are looking for good athletes for position players. They probably already have their catchers and pitchers lined up, although if a great pitcher or catcher shows up, they won't turn them away.
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Jan 23, 2010
My advice is to prioritize the teams, and pick one that you would rather play for.
That's another issue. Both of the teams are decent. I'm not sure which one I would rather play for. One of the girls from Team B plays with me at school, so chances are we could carpool to and from practices to save a little gas (very important). The majority of the other girls from both teams that I know don't live close enough to me to do any of that. Basically, I don't care which one takes me--as long as one of them does. The first team to offer me something, I'll probably snatch it up. I had feared I wouldn't be able to make the weekday tryouts since my parents work and I have NO clue how to get to either of the fields, but my father is taking off this Thursday to accompany me to one of the tryouts. For which team, however, I'm uncertain.

Whatever you do, don't tell either team that you're trying out for the other team as a reason you can't make their second tryout. I'm not telling you to lie, just not to volunteer this information. They may just write you off as "going to play for that other team".
Oh trust me, I've been around the block enough to know that this is a bad idea. If I end up not going to one team or another for whatever reason (which will happen) then I'll definitely say that I had something else going on that night. Not that I'm going to tryout for xyz.

The thinking of the coach is, "I've got 8 solid players. I need 4 more girls. I know that 4 girls from the first tryout will work if I need them."
I wish they had listed what positions were open because I feel as if I'm kinda limited as an outfielder. I've played outfield all my life, with limited infield time. I know coaches will take catchers, pitchers, etc. and teach them to play outfield if need be.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL

You stated you played with a girl from one one of the teams and her dad is listed as a contact about tryouts. Use that. Call him up, introduce your self and let him know you played with his daughter where/when and you are looking for a travel team for next summer. Ask about what positions they are trying to fill and what thier approximate schedule will be. About how many tournaments/games from when to when. What sanction and are they targeting a National tourney.

If you like what you hear move forward and addressing the I have a commitment on XX day that may prevent me from making one of the try out practices is that going to be a problem? kind of thing if still want to target the other team also. If you do want to then also contact them let them know you are interested ask what positions they are looking for, schedule etc. If they also look like a fit make the best decision you can. You might find talking to the try out coordinator that one of the teams isn't really looking for something you could fill nicely or has a uncompatable set of goals for what you want and might really push you to going all out after one particular team.
Jan 23, 2010
Bishop, I called the girls' father who was listed as a contact for tryouts about Team A. He remembered who I was. After our phone conversation, he called his daughter, who later sent me a friend request on FB. We are chatting right now, actually. All of their positions are open and he's interested in seeing me soon. Once I told him who I was, he's like so will I see you Thursday?!? I told him that I did not know, but he would definitely see me soon. He recommended off the bat that I attend at least two of the tryouts (which is no problem since they have four). Information about the team, bingo, costs, fund raising, etc will be available to parents at all of the tryout dates.

I called up the coach for Team B as well. At this point, I'm planning on going to tryouts for Team A on Thursday (both Team A and Team B have tryouts on Thursday at the same time) and going to tryouts for Team B on Saturday (both those teams have tryouts at the same time). The coach for Team B said that all positions were open and they had EIGHT girls aging out of the 18U program. There are some from 16U coming up, but everyone has to try out. So all positions are open here as well. He said if I couldn't make either of the dates or had problems getting there, he'd be willing to arrange a private tryout.

I called my father and he's like what are you going to do if you receive offers from both teams? I told him I guess that Team B will extend me an offer first (if they want me), since their tryouts end sooner. I'll call up the contact from Team A and ask if they are interested in me playing because I've had an offer and need to make a decision. If he is, then I'll probably go with Team A since I know the guy, he's very fair, I've played for him in the past, etc.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
Sounds like you've got things nailed down pretty well. Good luck at your try outs and don't forget to have fun. Hopefully your weather is better. Heat index over 105 all week.
Jan 23, 2010
Other than the actual trying out part, things are nailed down pretty well. Since All Stars, I haven't done much fielding. I've been hitting every weekend (except one when hitting coach was gone) all summer, so I'm at my A game with that. I'm going to go take some fielding tomorrow. I'm worried about what the tryouts will entail. I've never tried out for a travel team before, I've tried out for my school team before but school ball is... well, school ball.

It's supposed to be hot Thursday. Not sure what the heat index is supposed to be, but it will be 92 degrees. They are calling for rain (which I doubt will happen) so it will probably get hotter than that!
Jan 23, 2010
UPDATE: Went to the tryout for Team A today. The field where they tryout is pretty close to home. However, when I got there I learned that they practice about TWO HOURS from my house, having to go through horrible traffic. Since I'll be driving myself, not something I really am interested in. I wish I would have known this upfront, I would have went to Team B's tryouts today and Saturday, still managing to attend two of Team A's just in case. Leaning more towards Team B now.

My fielding today was not so hot. They didn't do things like I expected. Pop flies out of the pitching machine are so unrealistic. I expected them to be hit to me, with a bat, but they weren't. However, my hitting was on point today. I had the coach who was throwing to us jumping, even though he was behind a screen.

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