home made training aid

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Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I think it can fix an arm circle problem, but if there isn't a problem I don't think that it is a great tool. I have one dd who is a human pretzel and if we don't fix her arm circle at the start of every warmup she will bend her shoulder clear behind her. I built an one of these and have made her do some arm circles with it. I am very afraid that at high speed it could easily cause an injury, so I just put something behind her our have someone stand behind her when starting.

There may be some research on the weight if you buy one, but my rigging of one up makes me to nervous to let my dd use anymore.
Aug 21, 2008
View attachment 33

Heres the homemade Xcelerator device I made for my daughter, cost all of $7

Ok, I give up. what is this supposed to be for? Every time I turn around there is a new gadget on the market. Yet, for the most part the mechanics of pitching being used today is inferior to those of yesteryear before the stuff flooded the market. Just as everyone wants to take a pill instead of exercise for health, it seems like everyone invents a gadget to substitute actual pitching.
May 4, 2009
Ok, I give up. what is this supposed to be for? Every time I turn around there is a new gadget on the market. Yet, for the most part the mechanics of pitching being used today is inferior to those of yesteryear before the stuff flooded the market. Just as everyone wants to take a pill instead of exercise for health, it seems like everyone invents a gadget to substitute actual pitching.

Bill, people are always looking for the quick fix. I am sure you get parents who bring their kids to you looking for you to fix years of improper pitching technique in one or two lessons. These are the kinds of people who buy into to this stuff.

May 7, 2008
What does this do? Does it pop the pitcher between the shoulder blades, if it is done wrong? Do you throw it?

I am on a Mac and can't open the video.

I put whiffle balls in a small plastic bag and tie it shut. The girl then holds the bag, by the tail, and goes through her motion. If she is reaching back with her shoulder blade, the ball will hit her in the back. You do go ahead and pitch these.

I may have gotten this drill from Hal.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Amy, you just whip it around and around like the old bucket drill. The rope actually goes around your wrist so you can't pitch it. All the girl's in the video have very straight arms, no bend in the elbow, just yanking their hands away from their body. Makes me wonder why it is "Now 25% lighter" how many got injured before that improvement was made.
Apr 5, 2009
NE Kansas
I made one out of a softball, rope, 20 oz. aquafina water bottle with the rope going thru the cap and knotted on the underside. Adjust the weight by adding, removing water. All it does is help show what a circle in plane feels like to the person swinging it. Used it a week at warmups. I think it helps promote the wave.

I'm going out right now and try it using my new found supination education.

Findings: It is alot "jerkier" using the flexed elbow and pull down into rotating wrist. Glad mine was free.

Now the homemade whip hit is a godsend. Much applause there.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I made one out of a softball, rope, 20 oz. aquafina water bottle with the rope going thru the cap and knotted on the underside. Adjust the weight by adding, removing water. All it does is help show what a circle in plane feels like to the person swinging it. Used it a week at warmups. I think it helps promote the wave.

I'm going out right now and try it using my new found supination education.

Findings: It is alot "jerkier" using the flexed elbow and pull down into rotating wrist. Glad mine was free.

Now the homemade whip hit is a godsend. Much applause there.

Risking off topic....I have been wondering what kind of ball do you use to make a homemade whip hit?
Apr 5, 2009
NE Kansas
After going thru 3 rubber walmart balls; and having them tear thru, I went with a dimpled training ball approx 9". Its held up great.

After measuring, ball is exactly 8" circumference.

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