Changing pitching styles

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Feb 11, 2020
My DD just turned 11 and has been the best pitcher on the team for 2 years now. She pitches 43 mph which may be slower than the other girls but she is very accurate. She has 4 pitches including drop and curve. Her PC teaches HE and I’m frustrated because I want her to learn I/R. There are no PC that teach the latter around here so I’ve been looking at videos and trying to add some of this in to her warm ups. I’m at a crossroads where I know I/R is the future for her to really excel but she is doing fine now with HE. Any advice? I know that the change will take tremendous work.
Feb 10, 2018
Take advantage of the extended downtime forced upon all of us to begin the transition. As you seem to already know, it will take time and hard work to "unlearn" much of what she's been taught and already had success with. The good news is that your daughter is still young.

I would begin by looking at the IR sticky threads here on DFP. Another thing I would highly recommend is heading to PaulyGirlFastpitch. Look at and purchase the Beginner video courses. Both things will save you a ton of time by eliminating endless YouTube searches. It is quality information from a high-level pitching coach. I would also recommend a video assessment by Rick Pauly to establish a baseline for your daughter and to get a plan for the most important things you can begin working on.

Many folks on this forum have been through it. It can be done. Just takes the right information correctly applied and hard work. Good luck.
Feb 11, 2020
Yes with this downtime I have done my first video lesson with a Tincher coach. Baby steps! My daughter wants to full on pitch and all we are doing is pelvic tilt to stay upright and arm circles!

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May 16, 2016
Where are you from? Lots of knowledgeable people on this website. Maybe someone could recommend a pitching coach if we knew where you are from.
Oct 1, 2014
Be fully armed with evidence (video's of elite, higher level pitchers). Be confident and committed that you and DD are doing the right thing (which you are), if your area and the journey you are on is similar to mine (and many around the country) you will run into a LOT of resistance and helpful hints from people (coaches, parents, etc.) who think they know better. They do not. If DD listens to these others and tries to please them (after all they're the coach right?) they journey will take longer and be much more frustrating.

Remember at this stage of the process your DD doesn't need to be the #1 or #2 pitcher on the team...if she pursues this path she just needs to improve her self. She'll come out on top when she's pitching correctly and those other HE bowlers are throwing batting practice to everyone and getting crushed!


All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
Does she have a favorite pitcher? Maybe she will buy into IR trying to emulate her.
Feb 11, 2020
Thanks everyone. We live in west palm beach Florida. I will try to post a video if I can figure it out . I truly appreciate the feed back. It’s so easy to continue on the current path in which she has had success, but my gut is telling me her mechanics are wrong. I’d love for her to play in college...

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