8u rec practice

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Oct 9, 2018
You asked about the First practice, so here’s how mine go.

Play a game to get to know everybody’s name. First girl says her name, then her favorite food/show/something about her. Next girl does the same, but has to say the first girls name before introducing herself. Goes around the circle with coaches going last and having to say the whole team’s names.

Next I’ll teach them our dynamic warm up. With it being rec. most the team will have no clue how to do the warmup. Every warmup must be taught…it takes about 25 min. to teach a warmup that will take 5-10 minutes the rest of the season.

Water Break. Talk about throwing safety. Always wear fielders mask, don’t throw if your partner isn't looking with glove ready to catch, etc. Let them know about importance of throwing and catching…if you can’t throw or catch then you can’t play the game.

The rest of the practice is learning overhand throwing and catching. At 8u rec. this is the first time half or more of the team will throw a softball. I strongly encourage them to wear their gloves with two fingers in the pinky. I model my throwing practice like a HLT clinic.

By the time we’re done introducing overhand throwing movement patterns and played catch with a partner practice is almost over. Play duck-duck-goose. Say goodbye and see you at the next practice.
I wish I was at your first practice. Great job laying this out.
Dec 2, 2013
You asked about the First practice, so here’s how mine go.

Play a game to get to know everybody’s name. First girl says her name, then her favorite food/show/something about her. Next girl does the same, but has to say the first girls name before introducing herself. Goes around the circle with coaches going last and having to say the whole team’s names.

Next I’ll teach them our dynamic warm up. With it being rec. most the team will have no clue how to do the warmup. Every warmup must be taught…it takes about 25 min. to teach a warmup that will take 5-10 minutes the rest of the season.

Water Break. Talk about throwing safety. Always wear fielders mask, don’t throw if your partner isn't looking with glove ready to catch, etc. Let them know about importance of throwing and catching…if you can’t throw or catch then you can’t play the game.

The rest of the practice is learning overhand throwing and catching. At 8u rec. this is the first time half or more of the team will throw a softball. I strongly encourage them to wear their gloves with two fingers in the pinky. I model my throwing practice like a HLT clinic.

By the time we’re done introducing overhand throwing movement patterns and played catch with a partner practice is almost over. Play duck-duck-goose. Say goodbye and see you at the next practice.
This is very close to what I used to do. Names first!!! If the ball is coming in and the player wants to get the player's attention, they need to yell their name. Total safety issue. At the end of practice review names and see how many came remember their favorite candy bar to make sure they are paying attention. End it with a game of Dizzy Bat.
Oct 4, 2018
Also address the parents.

1. Encourage them to help. Encourage them to learn. Encourage them to play catch with their girls at home.
2. I like to tell them "My goal is for your girl to sign up for softball again next season." At this age, it's about loving the game and having fun. We'll certainly work on skills and improvement, but winning is not the top priority.
3. Get them used to the idea that all girls get to try all positions, even if it isn't the optimal line-up

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