12 yo DD swing

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May 13, 2008
Doesn't look like a bad swing at all, but... it is hard to give a thoughtful analysis on it due to the camera angle. Ideally we would like to get a side view so we can see what is going on.
Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
All in all a very nice swing. Generating bat speed, really whipping the bat through. Lots of good going on here. Yeah from this angle tough to see how hands are setting up.

One big thing is go look through discussion of spinning. She ends up leaning way back, that means too much weight is back and she has spun on her back foot, squished the bug.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Would classify the above swing as an 'arm initiated' and 'arm powered' swing. She gets very close to getting the swing initiated correctly, but then fails to use the hips and lower torso to grab her rear shoulder. The result is a disconnected swing. Learning to use the hips and lower torso to effectively 'grab' the rear shoulder AND 'maintain that grab' through contact, will be a significant advancement in this young lady's swing.



Once the barrel drops to where it is level with the hands (in relation to the ground) it becomes an arm swing. The hands/wristst have to keep the barrel in the swing plane.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Once the barrel drops to where it is level with the hands (in relation to the ground) it becomes an arm swing. The hands/wristst have to keep the barrel in the swing plane.

IMO she had a chance to grab with her hips and lower torso, and if she had, the odds are good that the hands/forearms would have responded ... instead she did as you describe and resorted to powering the swing with her arms.


IMO this girl has little sense of hitting the ball with her ‘body’. She uses the small muscles and the big muscles do not play a big part in her swing.

This is a girl that could potentially learn something useful from swinging a weighted bat. She could benefit from learning about the power derived from the muscles in her legs and torso.


Thanks for the video - watch the back foot - the heel should start releasing/lifting as the hands move....but the front heel has to be down or planting for the back heel to release. And the hands/wrists have to keep the barrel above the hands. This is where a swing down cue would help.

This is really one issue to fix - hands keep the barrel up and the rear heel releases as the hands start forward.

Throw the barrel and walk off the back foot.
Oct 25, 2009
This is a top-down swing. She needs to lead with the hip. The bat drag is one of the results of not leading with the hip. If the bat were too heavy that would only add to the bat drag, as she tried to pull it around her unfired hip.
Mar 25, 2011
Well, I'm surprised that the first thing I noticed was she looks like she might be failing from my ds syndrome... that lead foot looks like it steps 'in the bucket'.

I hope you all don't take this wrong...when I read some of the posts, it sounds like you guys are arguing about the swing...but for alot of the guys on here I'm guessing they are male, we are visual learners. The words dont' seem to do it for me nearly as much as the video and stop motion gifs that get posted.

It looks like this yound lady gets going really well.
1. Balanced stance
2. Coil
3. Stride & Separation

From there it looks like that is where the swing begins to fail. But how?
Those hands drop down to the ball, but it looks like more is going on. Look at how many 'squares' her head drops in the fencing.
Her front elbow appears to be leading the charge on her whole frame dropping. Would she be better served on that drill we just saw... the boom boom thingy, without that pole Howard designed, where it is promoting that high front elbow, then setting the plane of your forearms to put the barrel online with the ball? Am I seeing this at all right? I think this is very much the same issue my daughter is having.
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