11yo please help

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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
First, my bet is that the girl playing on the swing is going to be your D1 super athlete. Besides being cute as a button, she is soaking in everything.

Your DD is suffering from "I haven't practiced enough to be consistent"--which is both good and bad. Her best pitch was her last pitch, and I'm guessing from her reaction it went over your head. The next best pitch was her first pitch. The worst pitch was is #3.

In her 2nd and 3rd pitches, she drags her right side of her body around when she throws the ball. In her 3rd pitch, she does it so bad that she falls forward after release and ends up running toward you.

She needs to do a drill called "turn and throws." Basically, it is a regular pitch, except that she would leave her right foot behind her when she throws. She literally needs to do about a 1000 turn and throws. At a 100 a day, it will take about two weeks for her to do the 1000, but she should get it by then.

Here is a video of a girl doing the drill. Notice the position of her right foot after she throws.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rv-s1QuxWkk?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rv-s1QuxWkk?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Your DD needs to be doing turn and throws forever.

Also, she is inconsistent on her release as well. On pitch 1, she would have executed the release very well if she would have simply "let her arm go". If you notice, she pulls her arm down after release. She needs to just let her arm go wherever it wishes after release. I call what she is doing as "cutting off the follow through" because she is artificially stopping her arm instead of letting the arm naturally go where it wishes to go.

Her release on pitch #3 is wrong. Everything is wrong with the pitch.

She appears to have some talent for this. You should really consider finding a pitching coach to help her.
Last edited:
May 7, 2008
Her release is wrong because her hand is on top of the ball, instead of under it. She need to do spins, with the ball in a good 4 seam fast ball grip.

I would pick one of those pitching coaches and go with them, because she is learning too many bad habits, without a coach. I teach a lot of flips, so I don't think that should exclude a coach. As far as IR, goes, no, many people won't know what you are talking about. Look for a friendly coach, that has had some success with the girls.

It would be nice to see this young lady's overhand throw. It all starts there.

Have her wear her cleats and get her a pitching rubber. I can't see if you have on a face mask and shin guards, if you are catching, but that is good, too.

Keep asking questions, she has talent.
Oct 31, 2009
Thanks Amy. I didn't mean that would exclude coach. I just been trying to get alot of info from this site and trying to understand the i/r stuff. Money kinda tight right now but am thinking of getting Hillhouse video. Is that one I should start with. Maybe there's something different you can recommended. Lastly, what are a few things I should look for in a pitching coach. I'll post a video of her overhand throw ......wearing cleats. Lol. Thanks again. Any advice is always appreciated.
May 7, 2008
Maybe some of us, could search You Tube and find some good lessons. So much of it is crummy, it would take a long time, unless someone knows which ones to watch.

The Ernie Parker stuff is good, but much of it is advanced.

With the next videos send front, back and side shots. Good luck.
Oct 31, 2009
Again thanks for the quick response. My first post and I am extremely grateful for replys. I'll try to get those sometime this week. Practice today and Saturday.

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