NAIA ruling on Transgender athletes

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May 20, 2015
you've never worked with a 12 year old struggling with gender issues, have you?

i get it.....we struggle with what we don't understand; took me a long time to even begin to wrap my head around it....i'm thankful it is something that has not hit too close to home

but no one is "deciding" to go through this, no one is "deciding" there's a benefit

no one asks to join one of the single most marginalized groups in the world, with statistically one of the highest suicide rates, on a whim

if they can benefit from participation in sport with their peers along the way, i have a hard time telling them 'no'........for the absolute few who's participation may result in unfair benefit, there already exist rules to deal with that (the case by case basis that exists within the NCAA & many high school governing bodies)

i have a hard time telling the trans male 8th grader that is throwing with the boys track team here right now that, along with all of their other daily struggles, that they can't go out and compete in an arena where they feel comfortable......and are accepted by their peers, both as teammates and by competitors, because it is hard for me to wrap my head around

and i know with 100% certainty that my daughters, in HS, travel, & college......have played against transgender athletes; several times unknowingly (and 100% of the time without caring)
Jul 19, 2021
There's not even compelling evidence that simply being 'stronger' or having 'more testosterone' (Something that isn't even true for male to every female, it's an overlapping graph) makes you better at sport, even most sports. There are various other body composition things that may actually benefit more traditionally female athletes. "Male" and "Female" or just not clearly separate enough categories to really justify banning people who don't match at birth.
Hilarious! Is this why there are so many women in the NBA, NFL, MLB, PGA and the Premier League? Lol...................... Women are allowed to play in those leagues yet there are ZERO that do. That seems like pretty darn COMPELLING evidence.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
But it's pretty obvious that most of "it's unfair competition!" argument is the PR spin to get people on the side of transphobes. It's a solution without a problem, as was said above. Just let everyone play. Who cares. no one's getting hurt. imo all kids sports should be open to all genders.

In 12U rec level youth sports, I agree with you. Co-ed sports are so common now. Who cares?

It gets a lot more dicey as the level of play increases.

E.g., Caitlin Clark was offered 5 million dollars after college. She's a great women's basketball player, but there are hundreds of male college basketball players better than her. Based upon how athletes casually use PEDs, it's guaranteed that some men will take drugs simply to collect the paycheck.

Donna Lopiano (a founder of the WSF) has been a member of the LGBT community for a long, long time. She is adamant there is an advantage.

Jan 25, 2022
I guess I'll be the fall guy. This is sexist, ignorant, and transphobic. That is overly evident in the "well, anybody can go play men's sports" attitude. This is not about protecting any gender lines or the policy would apply uniformly.

If you want to establish a scientifically based performance line, I am OK with that as long as it applies equally across the board, NOT just to athletes who are trans.

I'd be on board with women also not participating in a men's division unless there is actually not an option for women. Essentially like girls playing baseball T-ball or playing little league baseball when no softball option is available. I suppose the whole baseball vs softball thing could be argued since they aren't the same sport, but still. Girls should at least have the opportunity to learn a very similar game when their own game isn't an option within a reasonable distance. My town didn't have LL softball for several years and the girls played LL baseball. A few, at least.

Although I love seeing a standard set by the NAIA, it's a bad look when it doesn't divide the genders entirely.
Apr 14, 2022
It's just an example of how "People assigned male at birth are genetically better at sports" is not some biological truth, and that there is more to it than simply bigger/stronger. It's just not particularly clear that it's an advantage in most sports (not physical strength records) to be a trans female.

But it's pretty obvious that most of "it's unfair competition!" argument is the PR spin to get people on the side of transphobes. It's a solution without a problem, as was said above. Just let everyone play. Who cares. no one's getting hurt. imo all kids sports should be open to all genders.

And that's without getting into how much of the gender binary is societal. Trans people have existed forever.
Are you denying that men are better at sports?
Jan 25, 2022
It's just an example of how "People assigned male at birth are genetically better at sports" is not some biological truth, and that there is more to it than simply bigger/stronger.

Regardless of the wording, no one is saying they're better at sports. You know exactly what they're saying, and you know why. The vast, vast majority of men have a physical advantage over women. Athlete for athlete, gender for gender, strength is always the deciding factor. That 1% outlier on the women's side doesn't justify men competing.

And sometimes people just need to understand that they don't get to do everything.
Apr 20, 2018
If you want to establish a scientifically based performance line, I am OK with that as long as it applies equally across the board, NOT just to athletes who are trans.
^^^what the heck does that mean?

Just let everyone play. Who cares. no one's getting hurt. imo all kids sports should be open to all genders.
^^^Of course females are getting hurt both physically and emotionally.

There are 500 HS boys that run track in the state of Texas that can beat the fastest women in the world in the 100 meter. Gender matters.
Some people are so open minded their brains have fallen out.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
t's just an example of how "People assigned male at birth are genetically better at sports" is not some biological truth, and that there is more to it than simply bigger/stronger. It's just not particularly clear that it's an advantage in most sports (not physical strength records) to be a trans female.
So you think males don't have an advantage in sports over females? If the kids are between 5 and 10, I would agree with you. By the time they get to HS, there is a huge difference. The video I posted a while back in the thread was of Serena Williams admitting she would lose a tennis match without getting a point against a male. Why is this so difficult to understand for those defending males in women's sports?

And why don't we see males competing in women's gymnastics? Is it because their biology puts them at a distinct disadvantage to their female counterparts? Have you noticed they don't do the same things? Male gymnastics is geared towards strength, i.e., the horse and rings, while female gymnastics is geared more towards flexibility. Go ahead and try to do a split like a female can. Oh, you can't? Maybe it has something to do with the female pelvis being different than the male pelvis.
Jun 11, 2012
I personally know 2 female to male transgender college athletes who were told by their respective schools that as long as they were not taking hormones they could continue to play on the female team.
One did so for 4 years, the other did not and helped by being the goalie coach for the woman’s soccer team where they used to play.
This isn’t something most people are doing on a whim so they can win more games/awards. I’m sure your children have met trans kids over the years and either don’t know or don’t care.
Society wants us to believe that the dude in the dress is what all trans people are but that’s simply not the case.
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