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Oct 4, 2018
I am totally ok with them kneeling. Wont watch if the game and conversation is nothing but a political platform. I can watch CNN and FOX NEWS if I want politics. Just as they have the right to make it political, I have every right to not watch. This is America, they are free to do as they wish, but if anyone else does as they wish, they are snowflakes?? This is where the problem is today. Both sides of this scream "FREE SPEECH", when what most really mean, but wont admit it, is that you have "FREE SPEECH IF I AGREE". Again, this is from both sides. I would like to see how many off of TIU are going to still be playing in the league games. That will help sway my opinion on their decision to quit.

Gotcha, that makes sense. Yes, so many snowflakes on both sides. And even if the announcers are saying political crap that I agree with, I don't really want to hear it during a sporting event.

I may not agree with what many people have to say, but I certainly agree with their right to say it. And yes, if I don't want to hear it there are (usually) pretty simple ways to avoid it.
Apr 20, 2018
I believe in free speech. And I have a bought and paid for channel changer and I believe in using it. I don't think anybody is saying they cant have opinions (free speech) but that they should be more careful and considerate on how they express themselves.
These players have jobs. They are paid and have a boss. And if the boss says stand up they need to stand up or they can quit. People/employee in the regular work force often have to bite there tongue and are not allowed to voice their opinion in order to stay employed. They choose to walk away and now are begging for charity. Their decision did one thing for sure. It hurt the game.
Oct 4, 2018
I believe in free speech. And I have a bought and paid for channel changer and I believe in using it. I don't think anybody is saying they cant have opinions (free speech) but that they should be more careful and considerate on how they express themselves.
These players have jobs. They are paid and have a boss. And if the boss says stand up they need to stand up or they can quit. People/employee in the regular work force often have to bite there tongue and are not allowed to voice their opinion in order to stay employed. They choose to walk away and now are begging for charity. Their decision did one thing for sure. It hurt the game.

The boss' actions hurt the game as well.
Feb 7, 2014
People/employee in the regular work force often have to bite there tongue and are not allowed to voice their opinion in order to stay employed.

You're correct, employee's speech is often suppressed. All the more reason to be encouraged by the actions of these ladies.
Aug 25, 2019
You're correct, employee's speech is often suppressed. All the more reason to be encouraged by the actions of these ladies.
If you owned a business, would you want your employees to say and wear what they want, potentially driving away customers and hurt your business?....Seriously, would you?
Apr 20, 2018
You're correct, employee's speech is often suppressed. All the more reason to be encouraged by the actions of these ladies.
Encouraged??? To behave spoiled rotten youths and making rash and bad decisions for themselves and the game they supposedly love instead of rationally discussing the problem and coming to a compromise agreement. They got out way over their skis and are now tumbling down the hill of life.
Aug 21, 2008
I for one appreciate "their" honesty, just wish they would have signed it! Had I written that, you can be sure I would have signed it, pretty much a limp move on the writers part!

The whole thing was wayyy overblown, but what isn't right now?

So an APOLOGY is needed here: I had posted that I agreed with @RADcatcher that this letter should have been signed. RAD did not say that... ANNASDAD said that. So it's ANNASDAD I agreed with not RAD that this guy/girl who posted this should've signed their name.

My apologies to RAD for mis quoting her!!!


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