Playing as a pick up for Major Tournaments

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May 13, 2013
DD's summer '18 season is ending in a few weeks. However we were asked last month if we were interested in joining another team at PGF Nationals if our current team doesn't qualify, and of course that team already has an invite.

I'm curious as to others thoughts on this for their own DD if you have one who's experienced this? I've heard both positives, and negatives. The negatives mainly being she didn't "earn it", or if she doesn't get much playing time then it's not worth it. But on the other hand Im wondering if the experience itself along with camps, workouts, and being able to see another coaching style might be beneficial to DD's development?
Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
I've been on both ends of this scenario. For the pickup player, especially if this tournament is out of town and you're having to pay for hotel/food, I would just outright ask HC how much playing time she can expect to see. Will she play her primary position, and if she's not playing that position, will she at least bat? Will he bench her for bracket games vs. pool games? You want to know what you're signing up for.

From the rostered player's position, I will say that it can be frustrating. DD is a catcher and we have another catcher on our team as well. Last weekend, we traveled out of state, and, when we arrived the first day to the field, there were two guest players; a pitcher and a catcher. We were down a couple of pitchers, so that made sense, but we did not need a guest catcher. And she wound up getting a lot of the playing time. In addition, this was a showcase for college coaches. It's hard to showcase your kid when she doesn't play. So, there can be resentment if the coach doesn't handle the situation tactfully. If he's picking up players to play INSTEAD of his rostered players, he's asking for trouble IMHO. To FILL IN for an absent player seems fine.
Jun 29, 2013
CM Mom, is spot on, tread carefully with this. I have seen a lot of teams add players for the major tournaments and it always causes resentment. You have listed most of the pluses and minuses, masterblaster. The rosters of these teams are typically pretty big (15-18 is normal), but you'll likely play at least in the pool games as they are essentially scrimmages, regardless of what they call them. It's a prestigious tourney and will give your DD memories, but it isn't going to be cheap with the hotel and (I assume) travel to Orange County. Also, make sure this coach isn't offering you a spot just to prevent you from playing from someone else who might want your DD, I have seen a few teams do that to try to get a competitive advantage.
May 13, 2013
Thanks for the comments. Yes a big concern of mine has always been not being added as a pickup for a larger roster, and then expecting to play every inning of every game. We've played some pick up games where I've advised a coach not to worry about where in the lineup she hits or where you stick her in the field, and a few times it has led to playing every inning of every game in a prime hitting spot which while she enjoyed helping that team succeed it also led to some animosity amongst friends. Where as if they needed a player or two to make sure the team had 10-11 then we'd jump right in. But some coaches are pretty good about managing playing time, where some only play their best 9-10 at all costs.

I don't think DD would care much about the playing time so much as the overall experience of the event as she hasn't participated in Natl's since she was playing 12U even though she had been asked after in the past after our regular teams summer had ended. She doesn't currently know anyone on the team who recently asked her to join them at Natl's, but its a mutual connection who reached out to me. Guess Id be more worried bout DD catching any flack back home about jumping to a team, and typical teenager drama. Don't want her to feel as if she hadn't earned it, even though she was asked about her availability. We have family in the area so lodging isn't an expense we'd need to worry about so there's that, but I guess we'll just get with the coach to see what his plan would be for any playing time, how deep they are at her positions and make a decision based on that.


May 13, 2015
Is your daughter likely to go back to the team she is on in the fall? If she is, running it by her current coach would be high on my priority list before going to far in the planning process.
May 13, 2013
Is your daughter likely to go back to the team she is on in the fall? If she is, running it by her current coach would be high on my priority list before going to far in the planning process.

No the current team has reached it's end. The head coaches DD wont be playing ball past this season and he is stepping aside. But I agree, I usually try to give heads up on any pick up teams we've played with during off weeks in the years past, along with letting coaches know when we've planned trying out elsewhere.

Chris Delorit

Apr 24, 2016
Green Bay, WI
DD's summer '18 season is ending in a few weeks. However we were asked last month if we were interested in joining another team at PGF Nationals if our current team doesn't qualify, and of course that team already has an invite.

I'm curious as to others thoughts on this for their own DD if you have one who's experienced this? I've heard both positives, and negatives. The negatives mainly being she didn't "earn it", or if she doesn't get much playing time then it's not worth it. But on the other hand Im wondering if the experience itself along with camps, workouts, and being able to see another coaching style might be beneficial to DD's development?

Yes, it can be a great experience and can be considered an honor. Playing on a PGF qualifier is a priviledge, and since they've asked her to play you can consider it her earned invite. Talk with the coaches, ask questions. If you can afford the trip, then the camps, workouts and coaching can be a great opportunity for her. If it's a competant coaching staff, she should feel right at home.

Jun 12, 2015
We were invited for DD to go play in PGF eastern nationals by a team that needs pitching. It was very tempting, and if it weren't one week after our own world series we'd probably have done it. The rule for us is kind of the same as DH has for having pick ups on our own team: is it a need? Or do they just want to stack their team? He doesn't ever stack our team; we win or lose with our own players. But if one of our players got hurt, he'd pick up if he needed to. We look at it the same way when considering whether DD should pick up with a team or not. We also look at the coaches and players/families on the team. There are some we have no interest in playing with.
Mar 20, 2014
DD picked up like this several times. It depends on your DD's position and what they expect her role to be. DD was a catcher and was picked up specifically because they needed another catcher and for her batting because she was a power hitter. We always made sure that we discussed what her role would be (DH, starter, back-up) and how much playing time she would get. Also you and your DD need to be prepared for the backlash from the parents/players. There will be some that are glad to have the help but many will see you as an intruder (some will be downright rude and nasty) - be prepared to be an island.

Be informed, discuss everything beforehand and make an informed decision. It is a great opportunity to play at a higher level, potentially in front of college coaches but it isn't all sunshine and puppies.


Feb 20, 2012
Going to PGF Nationals is a great experience, but can be expensive. Make sure you understand your DD's role as a pickup player before you decide to make that investment.

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