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Aug 11, 2014
As's the video...just trying to raise awareness...



This is about as concise an explanation of the basic differences as I have seen without being too technical for the novice. Anybody with a young DD with a desire to pitch would benefit immensely by seeing this short video so they would have a clue before committing to a PC. Sadly, many HE coaches have egos that won’t allow them to change to IR even though logic makes it a no brainer. They will not allow themselves to admit they’ve been wrong all this time.
I taught my DD I/R because of Hillhouse DVDs. Hillhouse himself tipped me off to Discuss Fastpitch in one of his newsletters. We never looked back. Boardmember, Pauly, Java, Hillhouse, Balswick (there are many others but this is probably my Mt. Rushmore+1) I have never met any of them but they did more for us than they will ever know.
DD had to fake an HE finish to please her high school coaches for 4 years. Travel ball coaches also thought her mechanics were “funny” while praising HE mechanics as the gold standard. Now at a D1 midmajor with an awesome pitching coach she is finally free of HE coaching. It’s been a lonely frustrating road, but we stuck with IR and the results were undeniable every step of the way.
Only one other guy in these parts knows what the hell I/R and brush mean as they relate to softball. What a coincidence, his DD pitches in the Big Ten and they fussed with his DD for 4 years in high school also. Told her not to listen to her dad. Our two girls are the only pitchers in the history of our little high school to pitch D1; two IR pitchers out of 100 hello elbowers. Still, HE endures here. It is taught, encouraged and insisted upon. Maddening, but it’s behind us now, thank God.
Sorry to write a novel, I hardly ever post but this wonderful clip really struck a chord with me on what has probably been the #1 hurdle we/she have had to overcome. Many coaches do zero research on how the best in the world pitch. If they did there would be no HE being taught anywhere. Lazy and arrogant, IMO. I watched clips and lurked for dozens upon dozens of hours on DP and loved the debates/discussion. And learned A TON.
Without Discuss Fastpitch, we would have gotten sucked into HE too and she would probably be done by now. Many people here worship the area guru, an HE advocate. I said no, we’ll do it ourselves with my imaginary friends on DP. HE is where potential goes to die, unless of course you teach/endorse HE but then don’t actually use HE when you pitch in games. Many examples of that for sure, which was very confusing for us in the beginning.
Unbelievably, HE is still perpetuated by some colleges at all levels. Not sure how pervasive it is but I’ve seen it taught at many camps. I wasted a lot of money on camps. But not at DD’s school. She got lucky.
Again,sorry to ramble, but I loved your clip. It should be a freaking sticky. Why? Because HE vs. IR is the most crucial decision a noob will ever make. Don’t choose the wrong cup; it’ll melt your face off. Choose wisely.

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Jan 7, 2014
Western New York
This is about as concise an explanation of the basic differences as I have seen without being too technical for the novice. Anybody with a young DD with a desire to pitch would benefit immensely by seeing this short video so they would have a clue before committing to a PC. Sadly, many HE coaches have egos that won’t allow them to change to IR even though logic makes it a no brainer. They will not allow themselves to admit they’ve been wrong all this time.
I taught my DD I/R because of Hillhouse DVDs. Hillhouse himself tipped me off to Discuss Fastpitch in one of his newsletters. We never looked back. Boardmember, Pauly, Java, Hillhouse, Balswick (there are many others but this is probably my Mt. Rushmore+1) I have never met any of them but they did more for us than they will ever know.
DD had to fake an HE finish to please her high school coaches for 4 years. Travel ball coaches also thought her mechanics were “funny” while praising HE mechanics as the gold standard. Now at a D1 midmajor with an awesome pitching coach she is finally free of HE coaching. It’s been a lonely frustrating road, but we stuck with IR and the results were undeniable every step of the way.
Only one other guy in these parts knows what the hell I/R and brush mean as they relate to softball. What a coincidence, his DD pitches in the Big Ten and they fussed with his DD for 4 years in high school also. Told her not to listen to her dad. Our two girls are the only pitchers in the history of our little high school to pitch D1; two IR pitchers out of 100 hello elbowers. Still, HE endures here. It is taught, encouraged and insisted upon. Maddening, but it’s behind us now, thank God.
Sorry to write a novel, I hardly ever post but this wonderful clip really struck a chord with me on what has probably been the #1 hurdle we/she have had to overcome. Many coaches do zero research on how the best in the world pitch. If they did there would be no HE being taught anywhere. Lazy and arrogant, IMO. I watched clips and lurked for dozens upon dozens of hours on DP and loved the debates/discussion. And learned A TON.
Without Discuss Fastpitch, we would have gotten sucked into HE too and she would probably be done by now. Many people here worship the area guru, an HE advocate. I said no, we’ll do it ourselves with my imaginary friends on DP. HE is where potential goes to die, unless of course you teach/endorse HE but then don’t actually use HE when you pitch in games. Many examples of that for sure, which was very confusing for us in the beginning.
Unbelievably, HE is still perpetuated by some colleges at all levels. Not sure how pervasive it is but I’ve seen it taught at many camps. I wasted a lot of money on camps. But not at DD’s school. She got lucky.
Again,sorry to ramble, but I loved your clip. It should be a freaking sticky. Why? Because HE vs. IR is the most crucial decision a noob will ever make. Don’t choose the wrong cup; it’ll melt your face off. Choose wisely.

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I'm going to make more of these "awareness" type vids...

I'm not trying to start a "riot" I'm just trying to point out the differences and let people make their own decisions.



Feb 18, 2016
Great, clear, concise video. Looking forward to seeing more.

Just curious...Monica Abbot ever called for IP? Looks to step a good 6-8 inches forward of the rubber and replanting.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
EXCELLENT video Chris!!!
You're 100% on point. Loved it
Hope there are more to come!
Im sending you an official invite for you to be a part of the Super Clinic III as a guest instructor along side us Fastpitch Foundation students/instructors.
I think you have a lot to offer. Keep it up! Your friend, James
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Great, clear, concise video. Looking forward to seeing more.

Just curious...Monica Abbot ever called for IP? Looks to step a good 6-8 inches forward of the rubber and replanting.

This is commonly called a gym step... Its definitely illegal. I couldn't say how many times she may have been called for IP, but at her level and celebrity, I doubt if she gets called as much as a less famous name

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