2 strike approach

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Aug 2, 2008
I know this has been covered but in the be aggressive thread Jim said this was a whole other thread:)

Were doing a better job narrowing the strike zone with 0 and 1 strike, but we havent talked alot about a 2 strike approach yet with our team. What is yours if any?
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
10YOA DD has no 2 strike approach. If it is a strike swing hard, if it is ball leave it go.

Might refine it a little bit as she gets older but right now it is that simple.

Edit to add: Only thing I have gone against the HC this year, when he is pitching in practice he tells DD to swing at everything it is free. Told DD to ignore him and swing hard at strikes.
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Aug 4, 2008
We use what we call attack mode. Bouldersdads dd does a very good job using it. I can't stand it when someone yells protect the plate, what does that mean. I watched a kid swing at one in the dirt on a 3-2 pitch, because someone yelled protect the plate. Well they were. I want them to attack the ball. I will let my buddy Tim explain it better,but in short, you go to toe touch and wait on the ball. Less movement and you are trying to make contact.
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Aug 2, 2008
Quincy, I was the same as you describe. We are 14u now and I wish I would have introduced narrowing the strike zone earlier on, the strike zone is pretty big.

Thanks SB, I do tell them on to attack anything close to the strike zone with 2 strikes on them as opposed to protect the plate. I look forward to Tims explanation. Specifically how the stance etc.....differes from a 0 or 1 strike approach.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
We use what we call attack mode. Bouldersdads dd does a very good job using it. I can't stand it when someone yells protect the plate, what does that mean. I watched a kid swing at one in the dirt on a 3-2 pitch, because someone yelled protect the plate. Well they were. I want them to attack the ball. I will let my buddy Tim explain it better,but in short, you go to toe touch and wait on the ball. Less movement and you are trying to make contact.

Bold above ..... I believe it means to increase the size of the strike zone slightly.
Aug 4, 2008
Ask it to a 10 , 12 or 14 year old and see how they respond. We understand it, but do they? How you say things to young kids and how you teach it makes a big difference. You will also be in shock how many kids you coach have learning disabilities that you are not informed of.
Feb 9, 2012
Dearborn, Mi.
Bold above ..... I believe it means to increase the size of the strike zone slightly.

Asked my 14 y/o about what she thought it meant, she says it means: put it in play by making contact even if she doesn't really like the pitch. So to further it, I asked what her zero and one strike mean, her reply: If I like it, swing hard!
Oct 14, 2008
To me Protect is a defensive word. And creates a rigid posture and attitude. As Patton said the best defensive move is a good offensive one. When in Doubt attack. I teach to attack on 2 strike count. What I mean by attack is that you arnt looking for that one pitch to drive with power you are shortening your swing and looking to put the ball in play on anything close to your hitting zone. It is almost where small ball or contact meets power ball, If that makes sense.

We can be more selective on a count of 2-0, 3-1,1-0. I tell my kids those pitches at that time belong to you. Hit the ball like your butt weighs 2 pounds less than a half ton of coal. But a 2 strike count you have to put the ball in play. Shorten the swing, By pre loading and pulling the trigger on what would other wise be a ball you would let pass by.

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Nov 26, 2010
I once asked a boy on a baseball team i was coaching what his plan was for his at bat. I expected him to say something like, hit the ball. But he said, on the first strike, if I like it I am going to hit it as hard as I can, if I am at strike 1 I will try to hit any strike hard and if I am on strike 2 I will try to put into play any ball that is close to the strike zone.

I thought that was a pretty good plan, what was most surprising to me was this was a 7 year old and we were in a machine pitch league. That boy is going to college this year to play baseball.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I once asked a boy on a baseball team i was coaching what his plan was for his at bat. I expected him to say something like, hit the ball. But he said, on the first strike, if I like it I am going to hit it as hard as I can, if I am at strike 1 I will try to hit any strike hard and if I am on strike 2 I will try to put into play any ball that is close to the strike zone.

I thought that was a pretty good plan, what was most surprising to me was this was a 7 year old and we were in a machine pitch league. That boy is going to college this year to play baseball.

Sounds like his plan worked pretty well!

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