Practice swings hitting the players in their back - Why?

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It's fun being a dad!
Sep 20, 2011
I have seen some high school and college players take practice swings just before stepping in the batter's box where they smack themselves in their back with the bat in the follow through. They take a stance, load and stride, the hands come forward and the bat is swung or pivoted so it hits the player (often hard) in their back.

What is the purpose of this type of practice swing?

left turn

It's fun being a dad!
Sep 20, 2011
It's hard for me to understand what is cool about it. There must be someone out in softball-land that is teaching this to reinforce something. Maybe hands to the ball or knob to the ball? I am mystified. There must be a better explanation for this stylized practice swing. I think we have all seen it at tourneys.
May 31, 2009
I see this a lot also. I think the quick hard practice swing is just a little reminder to them (before they get in the box), to not be slow on the swing. My DDs would do it some times and it would bug the crap out of me. I've always told my kids you play/perform according to how you practice (in any sport) I always tried to remind them to try make and the practice (dry) swings, the same as if they were swinging at a ball. If you take extra hard swings before you get in the box, you're going to have a tendancy to swing extra hard at the ball, and more than likely the head will come up (same as in golf). Keep the same tempo in the practice swing, as in the live swing. JMO.
May 7, 2008
It has been taught in IL., at many universities, (at least 10 years ago) to finish the swing. You can't hit yourself hard enough to hurt anything. At least I can't.
Jun 20, 2008
It has been taught in IL., at many universities, (at least 10 years ago) to finish the swing. You can't hit yourself hard enough to hurt anything. At least I can't.

The swing that I have seen and that bugs me the most doesn't help finish the swing, it has the wrists rolling and the bat hitting the arm and back instead of extending through the ball and finishing...Someone got my oldest to doing it and I was like if you don't stop that I'm really going to hit you with that D@MN bat!
Aug 4, 2008
You are right it is teaching them to roll the wrists . Kids that play for me must do the hand over drill while on deck, this stops this. I think most of these kids do not grip the bat correctly and to avoid the knob from hitting the arm during the swing they must finish around the body instead of up and over the shoulder.
Jan 14, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
We have several players on our HS team that do this. Drives me nuts. They do it so hard that the bat makes a "thumping" sound when it hits their back. The younger players see the older players doing it; think it looks cool; and start copying.
May 16, 2010
I have seen some high school and college players take practice swings just before stepping in the batter's box where they smack themselves in their back with the bat in the follow through. They take a stance, load and stride, the hands come forward and the bat is swung or pivoted so it hits the player (often hard) in their back.

What is the purpose of this type of practice swing?

That's one of my pet peeves.

It happens because they are taught to uncock the wrists WAY out front, and finish with their hands high and above the shoulder.

HORRIBLE thought process.

Another thing many females do, is extend their arms and put their hands way out front and uncock the wrists while they are out front, and they hit themselves in the front shoulder with the barrel. Another, HORRIBLE swing action.

They're taught to extend their arms and then throw the barrel, which is absolutely awful technique.

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