Level swing???

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The term "level swing" was used for a long time and people thought it meant a straight and level (parallel) line of travel to the ball. When I am teaching batting I teach a level swing being a straight line to the ball from the starting point of the bat wherever the ball is. As was mentioned throwing the hands to the ball where ever it is.

A good visual and kinetic drill for the players is to use a bat and hold it at an angle with the top being just under the bat in the players hands and the bottom being lower in the strike zone. The player then brings the bat down to the contact point in a straight line (level).

Move the bottom of the bat around in the strike zone to simulate the movement for the batter so they can feel it in their arms and hands the direction of their hands and the bat head. You will see very quickly if they are dropping the bat and attempting to swing in a parallel direction.
Jan 25, 2011
The term "level swing" was used for a long time and people thought it meant a straight and level (parallel) line of travel to the ball. When I am teaching batting I teach a level swing being a straight line to the ball from the starting point of the bat wherever the ball is. As was mentioned throwing the hands to the ball where ever it is.

A good visual and kinetic drill for the players is to use a bat and hold it at an angle with the top being just under the bat in the players hands and the bottom being lower in the strike zone. The player then brings the bat down to the contact point in a straight line (level).

Move the bottom of the bat around in the strike zone to simulate the movement for the batter so they can feel it in their arms and hands the direction of their hands and the bat head. You will see very quickly if they are dropping the bat and attempting to swing in a parallel direction.
so are you saying to hit down on the ball. Do you teach squish the bug too?
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
The term "level swing" was used for a long time and people thought it meant a straight and level (parallel) line of travel to the ball. When I am teaching batting I teach a level swing being a straight line to the ball from the starting point of the bat wherever the ball is. As was mentioned throwing the hands to the ball where ever it is.

A good visual and kinetic drill for the players is to use a bat and hold it at an angle with the top being just under the bat in the players hands and the bottom being lower in the strike zone. The player then brings the bat down to the contact point in a straight line (level).

Move the bottom of the bat around in the strike zone to simulate the movement for the batter so they can feel it in their arms and hands the direction of their hands and the bat head. You will see very quickly if they are dropping the bat and attempting to swing in a parallel direction.

:eek:, uH oh. Popcorn anyone?

I checked out your site, and I like your passion for the sport. I am glad you posted here. I hope you can hang around because this is one of those places you will really be able to advance your knowledge. I hope that is possible for you, that you can take serious pridal abuse.

Off hitting topic, please think about teaching kids to throw, with the ball down by their side, Try it.

Ding Popcorns done.
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Oct 4, 2014

I have no problem sharing publically who I believe to be the best, Crystl Bustos. Reasonable people can have a different opinion but for me I like her as the best. as for the tilt question posed by others, my response comes directly from the answer given by CB last week when she was at our org giving 4 on 1 lessons. to the question "how do you adjust to pitch height" her response was take the barrel to the ball. follow up question "do you do that by bending or tilting"?, her response was "no, barrel to ball" again, reasonable folks can disagree but I am good with her explanation.
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest

I have no problem sharing publically who I believe to be the best, Crystl Bustos. Reasonable people can have a different opinion but for me I like her as the best. as for the tilt question posed by others, my response comes directly from the answer given by CB last week when she was at our org giving 4 on 1 lessons. to the question "how do you adjust to pitch height" her response was take the barrel to the ball. follow up question "do you do that by bending or tilting"?, her response was "no, barrel to ball" again, reasonable folks can disagree but I am good with her explanation.

I like her also. here it comes, ....... but.... Tilt happens, whether you think about it or not.
As a teaching point, that is up to you.
eventually, you will have to use the word tilt.

I would like to hear straightlegs thought on this.

I also use barrel to ball.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England

I have no problem sharing publically who I believe to be the best, Crystl Bustos. Reasonable people can have a different opinion but for me I like her as the best. as for the tilt question posed by others, my response comes directly from the answer given by CB last week when she was at our org giving 4 on 1 lessons. to the question "how do you adjust to pitch height" her response was take the barrel to the ball. follow up question "do you do that by bending or tilting"?, her response was "no, barrel to ball" again, reasonable folks can disagree but I am good with her explanation.

No disagreement whatsoever re Bustos being the top female FP hitter. However, it is critical to recognize that many accomplished players and coaches use cues and drills and provide explanations that do not match what they actually do. Bustos and Finch both are routinely faulted for this here on DFP. There is no question that under game-time conditions Bustos does tilt and Finch doesn't Hello Elbow. Obviously, what they believe and understand has enabled them to become the legends they are, but that doesn't mean that every player will similarly interpret their cues and instruction; for those that don't, taking a "do what I do, not what I say" approach can be more productive. Bottom line - as a coach or parent, it is our responsibility to determine what and how to best teach each individual player/DD. I like Bustos' and Finch's "what", but not all their "how". YMMV.
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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
No disagreement whatsoever re Bustos being the top female FP hitter. However, it is critical to recognize that many accomplished players and coaches use cues and drills and provide explanations that do not match what they actually do. Bustos and Finch both are routinely faulted for this here on DFP. There is no question that under game-time conditions Bustos does tilt and Finch doesn't Hello Elbow. Obviously, what they believe and understand has enabled them to become the legends they are, but that doesn't mean that every player will similarly interpret their cues and instruction; for those that don't, taking a "do what I do, not what I say" approach can be more productive. Bottom line - as a coach or parent, it is our responsibility to determine what and how to best teach each individual player/DD. I like Bustos' and Finch's "what", but not all their "how". YMMV.

In the video flier that was put out to promote Bustos' teaching DVDs (and later removed), she stated that what she was showing in her videos was what she was taught by a few of her coaches. She never states that it is what she does. The reality is, video conclusively shows that what she shows is not what she does. Bustos actual loading pattern was dynamic, and included both 'bending' and 'tilting'. Bustos was a hitting phenom well before she received information like what we see here that confuses Rdbass.


Now I'm confused.....:rolleyes:
Aug 1, 2008
Straightleg, can you say how you teach Tilt? or if you do not?

You have seen and talked to Howard, has he ever talked about tilt?

What I do is tell them to stick the butt out, which gives them tilt, then barely soften knees. This engages there core to hit.
I start them this way and after some time ask them on a walk up drill, to stand up straight and as you walk up get athletic to hit. Which is tilt, and planning in the bat with the shoulder line.
I mention tilt off and on...

Low ball more tilt
High ball, very little tilt or none at all.

Howard does bend at waist soften knees in that order with beginners. Howard puts tilt in there swings. I don't know if he uses that word, don't remember. But his students hit with tilt depending on pitch height. My mirror for occasional use with beginners

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