Wind Up Swingback

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Aug 21, 2008
Chris is onto a very big element as to why I'm opposed to swingbacks. The overwhelming majority of girls who swing back lock their elbow. These girls notoriously get sore in the shoulders and pitch with muscle rather than an easy relaxed whip.

The other reason is, why give the batter a chance to see the ball and grip on the ball? Or the coaches for that matter to look and relay to batters? Has anyone noticed the overwhelming majority of former Team USA men's players now coaching D1 ball? I could name you 18 off the top of my head and probably more at other levels or that I don't know about. Watch an Oregon game sometime and see if Mike White is watching his hitter... he's not. He's watching the pitcher give away her pitches. And he uses that. Team USA did that in 2006 against Ueno, had men's team players pick her change up. Then they saw it clean with her back swing. In 2007 Japan didn't bring her over and in 2008 without someone to pick pitches she stuffed up the USA's butts in the Gold medal game. True story.

I realize not every girl is going to be D1. But shouldn't that be what they strive for? If so, why do something that will ultimately help the hitters. Remember it doesn't gain extra speed if the elbow locks anyway so, it's a gamble.

No question it's a STYLE choice. But as the hitters get better and better and reading pitchers with their coaches, it will become an absolute. This is why men's pitchers do not do it (at the top level), or very very few do.

Jan 4, 2012
Let me restate, doubledown ...its a absolute for my DD... :cool:

Gotta have both half's of the body exploding forward instead of just half... She has been doing it for years.

Remember mikfish 711...any tweaking on anything is going cost you 10,000 reps. to embed it in.
Last edited:
Jul 15, 2016
Hi mikfish711,

I'm just curious, did your daughter's pitching coach explain his/her reason for making a big change to you? That would be very important. Perhaps they have, but you just wish to compare some notes.


Yes it was explained. The main issue she was having was balance. On her swingback she would dip her right shoulder (shes a lefty) and the ball would be waaay behind her back. This was forcing her to be "falling" to the right. This then would force her to over correct just to stay on the powerline which was effecting her consistency. By eliminating the swingback she stays balanced and gets a good drive forward to the catcher. The new windup has only been in place since last Tuesday but the results at the tourney this weekend were very positive. But just like with any pitch now we need to tweak it to get the most out of it. Im pretty sure at this point I sit on a bucket more than anywhere else. Wouldn't have it any other way though! Thanks for all the great replies!!!

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