Which HS team would be better

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May 8, 2008
My DD is looking at High Schools for next year. Here is the dilema. Would she be better off in a school that is better academically, but the softball team is not that good....she would probably make Varsity as a Freshman or sophmore. The other option is a school that is also good academically & has a winning softball program, but they will not let a girl play Varsity until 11th grade.
Which school would give her a better chance to be recognized by colleges, the one that she would play 3 or 4 yrs on varsity or the one that she will only play 2 yrs varsity?
Academics are naturally the top priority, but both schools are very good in that area, but the school with the weaker team might be a little better.
May 12, 2008
High school means almost nothing in terms of college unless you were a bad actor in high school or didn't play at all and don't have a reasonable story as to why. Even that last wouldn't slow you down much with a lot of coaches. Read everything you can on index and get her book. Very little money for a lot of answers.

Choose the school with good academics that she would enjoy. Good academics WILL make a huge difference in her college softball, as well as academic, opportunities. DD can be the next Lisa Fernandez but if her academics are poor her opportunities will be severely limited.


Super Moderator
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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
First, you are chasing unicorns. Letting softball have any part in deciding where to go to HS (or college, for that matter), is not wise. Out of perhaps 50 girls my DD played with, only two played softball in college, and only one of those two played more than one season. Basing your DD's HS education on a game makes no sense.

Since you probably will think something like, "but my DD's different...", you should listen to Mark H's advice. HS softball isn't like HS basketball or HS football. College softball coaches go to Colorado in July to look for talent at the travel ball tournament, and then perhaps one more travel tournament during the year.

If you want your DD to play ball in college, you will have to do the leg work. Read Aradi's book...it is very, very good.
May 12, 2008
I agree about Aradi's book whole heartedly. I would add many more girls could play college ball than do. D1 isn't the only game.
May 9, 2008
What happens?

What happens to all of those kids who live in rural areas with NO travel teams around??? They're only shot at any kind of college scolarship is HS ball. I understand that D1 won't be looking there, but 2 or 3 must be. There has to be something out there for really talented kids who are not in metropolitan areas.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
ChebJudy, you are thinking about softball as if it is basketball or football. I don't know of any softball program that has a person who goes to HS games. Oh, they might show up at the state championships once in a while, but nothing else.

Kassi Carroll (U of Ga) from a little town in Illinois played on a travel team that was an hour drive from her house. Some kids in the rural areas drive up to two hours to play on a team.

There is no comparison between HS ball and travel ball. A mediocre travel ball can usually beat all but the top 5 or 6 HS teams in the state.
May 12, 2008
I know kids from McAllen, TX who play in Houston. I know plenty who travel two hours one way to play. Not playing travel is a HUGE handicap unless you throw it high 60's or are 2.5 home to first or some such.

HS is for education. Do it well and augment it with reading the great books. Take a little SAT prep and go blow out a big SAT or ACT score. Lack of academics quickly disqualifies you from a LOT of college softball programs you might like to play for and it certainly disqualifies you from a lot of life opportunities you might have enjoyed.


May 13, 2008
Mark...what do you think is a good score SAT wise... I know academically what is but what is your opinion that coaches are looking for?
May 12, 2008
Depends on the school. If you are in their upper quartile range you are golden I'd say. Definitely need to know what their mimimum is though that number can vary a little depending on grades and other circumstances. Dig around on their website and see if you can find the stats on their incoming scores.
May 12, 2008
The particular school's scores are the one's I'd suggest they look up. I know a coach who looks for kids with a 25 or better or SAT equivalent. I'm sure Stanford's minimums are much higher than the NCAA's. Just depends on what school you are interested in.

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