Which foot do you tag the bases with when running the bases?

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Jan 28, 2010
What is your opinion and what has been taught as far as what foot should be used to tag the base when running the bases?
Sep 6, 2009
State of Confusion
The outside foot (right) . You do this because by pushing off strongly with it to the inside you make sharper turn and decrease time to the next base (less arc to running path). Even if a stutter-step is needed on the approach to get that foot on the inside corner of the bag, you will make up more than that partial step by the faster turn and shorter path to next base.
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Mar 15, 2010
If you were my #8 batter tonight apparently neither. Missed the bag with both feet by at least 2 inches. I coach my base runners to use the right foot to hit the inside corner of the bag. In a game though I don't care if they use the left if the situation requires it. Missing the bag entirely, that gets you plenty of extra base running practice
Dec 12, 2009
The outside foot (right) . You do this because by pushing off strongly with it to the inside you make sharper turn and decrease time to the next base (less arc to running path). Even if a stutter-step is needed on the approach to get that foot on the inside corner of the bag, you will make up more than that partial step by the faster turn and shorter path to next base.

Was always taught to try push off the inside of the bag with the right (outside), but NOT to stutter step if you are off-stride when you get to the bag. The momentum and speed you lose with the stutter step was felt not to be made up by the push off. It would be interesting to see if there are any timings or studies as to which is quicker. Also, if you are rounding the base, rather than running straight at it, then the change in direction at the bag is not as severe, so a push with the inside foot still provides some additional acceleration.
Dec 28, 2008
Going to the next base is overrated. Why round it and risk being out when you can just stay at first and be safe?

Just kidding unless you are the #8 hitter on SoCalDad's team. Then by all means a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.

Conventional wisdom is that the quickest way to get somewhere is to take the shortest possible path. There is a little advantage to using the outside foot to touch the inside corner of the bag, because if you use the inside foot then your next step with your outside foot will be farther distance wise than it needed to be.

In terms of "pushing off of the bag", for some girls their left leg is actually their dominant leg though and they would get more push from that leg than they would with their right leg which might make up the difference. But I've never done timings to determine one way or the other. This is one of those 100'ths of a second kinds of things.

My recommendation is try and run with the outside foot touching the inside corner of the bag, but also practice a lot of speed and agility drills so that your legs will listen to your brain no matter what situation comes up and you have to adjust at the last minute and use your left leg.
May 7, 2008
If they are running the bases correctly, I can hear it. I also use my right leg, but I don't mind the left leg so much, if they are not shuffling to the bag. I emphasize stretching out and taking long steps to the base, rather than tippy toeing in.

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