Update on Dave Weaver aka.Catchingcoach

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May 7, 2008
Hudson, NH
Merry Christmas forum members. Hope all are well this season. I want to thank all of the forum members I have heard from since Robd posted the note about my health issues. http://www.discussfastpitch.com/softball-catching/4528-coach-weaver-battling-cancer.html I am still at home recovering and will have a bit longer to go. The surgery for my rectal cancer was quite an invasive procedure but the outcome was positive as all post op biopsies were negative. The down side was I did develop a post op infection in the incision on my backside that has left an open wound that has to be dressed twice a day by a visiting nurse. My wife also has been trained to do the dressing change on the off days.

The wound has left me unable to sit so I must do all work lying on the couch or bed with my head propped up. Pain is pretty well managed with mild meds that help me sleep at night. I just started a 6 session regiment of chemo this week, 5 more to go, 2 weeks apart. It is common after rectal cancer surgery to do a round of chemo to be sure no crazy cells are floating around anywhere in my body.

I suspect it will be late winter/early spring before I am back doing lessons on the field again but we will get there. My son Jay has done an incredible job covering all my lessons for me. Also I found out in Oct that my day job is closing at the end of the year. Don't know exactly what the Lord has for me but I am excited about new adventures. Maybe it's time to take this part time coaching thing and make it a full time gig. At least then I could get to all the places that have invited me to do clinics over the years. Well I'll just have to see what unfolds.

The journey has been a long one so far but with my Lord by my side I am getting through each day. 27 years ago I suffered the loss of my oldest son at the age of 3 in a backyard drowning. After 3 years in the "Valley of the shadow of death" I came out on the other side truly understanding what the term Grace of God means. My Lord helped me survive that and has not let me down through this journey.

One more thing, If you are due for any of your exams, colonoscopy, prostate etc stop putting them off and get them done, if not for your sake, then for your families.

Well thanks for reading my update. If you like to follow more of this journey you can find me on Facebook. My screen name is just Dave Weaver. Love to have a few more friends. There isn't any catching talk on that page as it is my personal page.

God Bless and Merry Christmas to All,


Phil 4:13
May 7, 2008
Dave, I am glad to read that you are on the mend and doing as well as possible. Your faith is remarkable. Mentioning your young son, will remind me to double my efforts to police the pool, when the grandbaby is here.
Jan 28, 2010
Great to hear that your recovery is on track. How about a camp in MI for your comeback??!!
Last edited:
Apr 25, 2010
My thoughts and prayers are with you! May you and your family have a merry and blessed Christmas.
Nov 23, 2010
North Carolina
Thanks for updating us on your recovery and very thankful that everything is going well. And thanks for reminding everyone to get all the test they are scheduled. It is better to catch (pun intended) things early than late. You will be in my prayers.
Jun 21, 2010
Merry Christmas Coach Weaver. Thank you for the update. I'm glad all is well, and looking forward to a camp in the NW in the future!
Sep 3, 2009
Coach Weaver, glad to hear that you are on the mend. Take care of yourself, and Merry Christmas. Hopefully you and Jay can make it back to KC again.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Dave - Thanks for the update- sorry to hear you have a tough row to hoe, but glad to hear you came out on top! Hang in there, we are all pulling for you. DD was catching Sat. night for the first time in awhile and toward the end of the game she looked at me panicstricken and said " I can't block, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it's like I forgot how to block. I need to see Coach Weaver, can we do that?"

Good reminder too about the colonoscopy testing- friend of mine had his first one at 45 (he had a family history) and they had to schedule surgery right away. Because my mother had Colon CA, I started having colonoscopies at 45 and fortunately have been fine. They give you some excellent drugs beforehand so I look forward to the adventure every 5 years!:)

Stay well, get healthy and have a Merry Christmas!

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