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It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
A DFP window sticker would be a great idea !

Good idea...I was getting tired of our hand signs....
May 6, 2012
If there is something specific that she like to eat or snack on be sure to get it before you head out because not everything is sold in every region. Don't forget the ice! that happens a lot. Keep away from the pool during the tournament but a hot tub is great to relax the muscles before bed. Be sure your phone alarm is set don't trust hotel alarms. Check for a washing machine you never know if you will need i. and most of all enjoy!!!
Jul 6, 2013
Yep ^. Make sure she has what she wants to eat, before and between games. Nothing too heavy. Let her eat heavy with her teammates after the last game of each day. In bed early. This is her job, not a party.

I may be in the vast minority here, and no offense SoAZDad, but up to and until the time that my DDs team needs her social security number to direct deposit checks into her account for playing, it will never be a job. And beyond that, until girls start getting drafted out of high school OR college making 7 figures to play softball, I will treat every season as it is...a game....a game that we will work hard at and be the best we can be, but a game that we will go out and have as much fun as we can possibly stand each and every time we take the field. 20 years from now, they may remember plays, or at bats, but the memory of the games will be gone. But the memories of the fun they had will last forever. This isn't to condone partying in the pool till midnight, but I won't run it as a boot camp either.
Oct 22, 2009
Well . . .some of us may disagree with that. I know you guys in PA may think you invented the game but a lot of quality coaches, players and parents in NJ softball right now. I have been very impressed with the early season and the HS girls haven't even gotten started yet.

If you have ever spent any time reading the Youth Softball Forum on, you would know what I'm talking about. Here's a fairly typical thread that is going on right now:

98179. its parents, just like that...
by USA84, 04/28/15 6:35 AM
Re: Geez, What Turmoili within Jefferson Twp Travel Softball Program by hopphil, 04/28/15 6:35 AM
You want it both ways, lets play travel and have a REC commitment, than complain when it does not go your way. Let the coaches, coach or you will have a glorified REC.. Which by the way, that is what is happening there. Any wonder why all your teams are B level teams? You will be happy, and those good coaches and volunteers with talented and hardworking players will be watching from their club teams. I heard of another coach from there getting ripped up by parents again. All the coaches from other town talk to each other at all levels, we know how horrible the parents are from that town program, You all will not be happy until they are all gone. Instead of stepping up and asking them what can my daughter do to get better and working with her, you throw them under the bus. Back up for a second and realize they are there to help, and you are the one impeding the kids, the coaches and the program.

I rarely take my team over there to play anymore as there are parents there that are just over the top (and I say this despite the fact that I've coached my son's youth hockey team, which is generally a milder crowd).


Feb 20, 2012
One of my favorite things about overnight hotel stays was the "coaches meetings" in the hotel pool area or parking lot. They are BYOB and cigars! Good times and great fellowship. Parents attended was not just the coaches.
Jan 27, 2010
PA SB Dad, The cats that live are nothing but flame throwers and after 9 years of DD playing SB all over the state we have yet to encounter Jefferson TWP SB.
Jul 12, 2012
On the bleachers
1) Ibuprofen/tylenol (whichever you prefer)
2) Band-Aids/first-aid stuff
3) I also never leave home with out the KT Tape and Liniment.
4) Not sure how old your DD is but feminine products arw always a good thing to pack. Cause ya just never know. If your DD doesn't need it someone else's may & consider you a hero cause you have it. :)
5) We pack roasted almonds (no nut allergies on team), power bars (double chocolate crisp is DD's fav) and fruit for snacks when she has to play back to back games.
6) Sunscreen
Nov 6, 2013
Baja, AZ
I may be in the vast minority here, and no offense SoAZDad, but up to and until the time that my DDs team needs her social security number to direct deposit checks into her account for playing, it will never be a job. And beyond that, until girls start getting drafted out of high school OR college making 7 figures to play softball, I will treat every season as it is...a game....a game that we will work hard at and be the best we can be, but a game that we will go out and have as much fun as we can possibly stand each and every time we take the field. 20 years from now, they may remember plays, or at bats, but the memory of the games will be gone. But the memories of the fun they had will last forever. This isn't to condone partying in the pool till midnight, but I won't run it as a boot camp either.

No offense taken, CJ D. I believe with al my heart that it's got to be fun. I use the word "job" in the context of responsibility. My DD is responsible to play her best Saturday morning, after we drive 7 or 8 hours to SoCal the previous afternoon/evening. I expect her to be responsible to herself and he teammates and be fed, clean, and rested to do her best against the big dogs. And after pool play on Saturday, same thing. Eat with teammates, get cleaned up and in bed early enough to be well rested for bracket play on Sunday. She can party with the girls after the last game and on the drive home.

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