Sacrifice fly?

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
It's the day to do stats. ...

Runner on third. Batter pops up to the second baseman in shallow right center. Runner on third tags, hoping to catch the fielder napping. Fielder throws home, runner caught in a pickle. Runner winds up safe at home. No error.

Is that a sac fly?


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
If she's caught in a pickle and then scores, there had to be some sort of error involved so no RBI in my book. However, without knowing which team is yours, your DD's or other coaches' DDs' possible involvement in the play, your relationship w/ the batter/pitcher and parents thereof and potential repercusions of possible rulings, it is difficult to advise you properly.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
If she's caught in a pickle and then scores, there had to be some sort of error involved so no RBI in my book. However, without knowing which team is yours, your DD's or other coaches' DDs' possible involvement in the play, your relationship w/ the batter/pitcher and parents thereof and potential repercusions of possible rulings, it is difficult to advise you properly.

These are stats that I keep for myself as a coach. Parents don't see it, and other coaches aren't that curious for some reason. Doesn't involve my DD. So fortunately I don't have to worry about that stuff. Plus, one at-bat isn't that big a deal over 40 games. Just want to be accurate.

The RBI is hard to justify because clearly the runner was not batted in, but scored on the fielders' mismanagement (although technically it cannot be scored an error because no throwing or catching error occurred, just a failure to cover home after the catcher threw the ball to third).

Sometimes it makes sense to ask yourself - Does the batter deserve the benefit of the doubt here? I don't think so. Basically, she popped up, and the other team gifted us a run.
Apr 4, 2012
there had to be some sort of error involved so no RBI in my book.

Been curious about this one and this thread reminded me to ask. Just like is this example we will often miss a potential out because girls are not in position.

Runner on second and an infield fly is hit. Short stop and second both come in and second makes the catch. Runner on second went to far and runs back to base. A play could have been made at second but no one was there to cover. Would that still be an error. Another would be a ball hit to an outfielder who panics when everyone starts to yell a different base to throw to. She freezes up and doesn't make a potential out.

In the end this is a U12 rec league so it doesn't matter yet but it's good practice for me and my 8 year old son who I'm teaching to score games for us. I still have girls who get thrown out at first coming back to the dugout and saying "well at least I got a hit" because they put the ball in play. So I have a way to go before I need to show them how errors work.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
If a fielder fails to cover a base, causing a runner to reach safely, I do not rule that an error. Sometimes that happens on a bunt. The second baseman fails to cover. I rule that a hit.

On the example of freezing up, I'd probably rule that a hit also. For scoring purposes, errors are typically physical, not mental.

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