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May 7, 2008
San Rafael, Ca
MTS asked:

Tom, is handle torque really the ability of the front scap to reverse direction and start the swing? And not let the front arm/shoulder stretch?


This depends on the way you sequence the swing motion. IF you use the scap in the official PCR connection pattern, your description is a reasonable one:

Englishbey quoting Nyman:

"The utility of the box (my interpretation) was emphasize that at the initiation of the swing, the shoulders, arms, hands, bat move as a single unit i.e. connection.

Demonstrated in ironnyman simulation:

However, this is the wrong description of what happens in the MLB pattern swing sequence. The mlb swing needs better early batspeed and late adjustability than is possible with this sequential middle out PCR swing.

In the MLB swing the bat is uncocked while the hips open to coil the body whiile the hands stay back and the shoulders stay closed.

Scapa are loaded not just horizontally (pinch back/unpinch front) bit more importantly VERTICALLY, tilted down in front so that when the already Bathead is accelerated more at GO, the shoulders can untilt to acclerate the bathead (crerates video landmark "rearward blur", there is additional coil/load/"front side stretch" created before unloading of torso.

So scaps have to load horizontally and verticall and "swing" (establishing turning of bat between hands as bat starts to uncock./untip) starts before they unload.

Then when scaps unload, it is primarily the vertical untilting that assists in finishing the torso load while the scaps are connecting firmly to the torso.

Scaps can not be actively turned without "rushing"/interrupting torso load/coil/cusp which is what makes the swing quick and controllable late for max read time and optimal plane matching.

Front scap can be pinched late to hook for inside on apporach to contact.

Back scap needs to STAY pinched until contact or there will be deceleration which makes timing error unacceptable.

2 entirely different patterns, much like the experienec in golf where the single and 2 plane patterns have been found to be very different/incompatible.
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May 12, 2008
...active hands which control the swing by resistance without premature unhinging of the lead wrist.

Resistance sure. Top hand torque/pivoting between the hands at shoulder rotation launch, no. Avoiding premature unhinging of the bat and top hand torque/pivoting the bat between the hands at shoulder rotation launch are opposite things. Doing the second precludes the first.
May 12, 2008
24 to 25 shows good unloading of the back scap/shoulder. He's obviously got a great stable rotational axis.
May 7, 2008
San Rafael, Ca
not only is turning the knob between the hands without opening the lead wrist hinge too much too soon POSSIBLE, it IS a NECESSARY part of the successful MLB pattern.

these 2 requirements are not mutually exclusive.

In a good MLB swing they BOTH these requirments must be sastisfied.

Regarding scap action in the Hamilton clip. Mark said:

"24 to 25 shows good unloading of the back scap/shoulder. "

More precisely, the back scap is "unloading" in the sense of TILTING/LOWERING.

It is NOT unloading horizobtally, but STAYING pinched as is necesary for sustained connection. This can be seen as the way the scap satys close to the spine, not spreading out the letters of the name on the back of the jersey.

His shoulders are not "rotating" around a spinal axis, they are TILTING front ashoulder up/back shoulder down creating additional trso load/coil while connecting to the torso at the same time.

In the MLB pattern, the scaps TILT, not TURN.
May 12, 2008
not only is turning the knob between the hands without opening the lead wrist hinge too much too soon POSSIBLE, it IS a NECESSARY part of the successful MLB pattern.

these 2 requirements are not mutually exclusive.

In a good MLB swing they BOTH these requirments must be sastisfied.

Regarding scap action in the Hamilton clip. Mark said:

"24 to 25 shows good unloading of the back scap/shoulder. "

More precisely, the back scap is "unloading" in the sense of TILTING/LOWERING.

It is NOT unloading horizobtally, but STAYING pinched as is necesary for sustained connection. This can be seen as the way the scap satys close to the spine, not spreading out the letters of the name on the back of the jersey.

His shoulders are not "rotating" around a spinal axis, they are TILTING front ashoulder up/back shoulder down creating additional trso load/coil while connecting to the torso at the same time.

In the MLB pattern, the scaps TILT, not TURN.

That would be nope to all of that. Let the viewers look at the clips and decide.

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