PLAY TO HAVE FUN is not a...

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Dec 13, 2019
Play to have fun~
is not a deffinition
of HOW softball is to be played.

Bring this up because some people will generalize so much and just say
'you should be playing softball to have fun'.
But everyone's fun is defined differently!!!

What is your FUN ?
(really talking player perspective here, parental & coach perspectives will be interesting too)
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Apr 20, 2015
Totally get this. My dds version of fun is playing at a high level to win. She is crazy competitive and would not be happy playing at a lower level with kids that weren't committed. My younger likes softball but doesn't want to work like her sister just wants to socialize so her version of fun is being on a team with kids that she likes that is decent. Both are okay

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Jun 8, 2016
Do you have fun when you go to the dentist? No, so you don't look forward to it. On the other hand everybody has fun getting ice cream so they look forward to doing it. Best way to describe whether or not somebody is having fun when they undergo an endeavor is to describe the sort of emotion the thought of that event evokes. There came a point in my career where the thought of playing evoked dread and it was at that point I gave it up..


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Do you have fun when you go to the dentist? No, so you don't look forward to it. On the other hand everybody has fun getting ice cream so they look forward to doing it. Best way to describe whether or not somebody is having fun when they undergo an endeavor is to describe the sort of emotion the thought of that event evokes. There came a point in my career where the thought of playing evoked dread and it was at that point I gave it up..
Like your description of emotion evoked!

Know a person who luv's going to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned.
Also know a 12 year old who doesnt like Disneyland.
Which ones weirder? Lol


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I don't care what level you're at and whatever definition you choose, "fun" must be a big part of the reason you play a sport. Even the best pro athletes clearly love what they do.

When parents, coaches or players make the game into nothing but a "job", it starts to suck and people eventually walk away from what they think sucks. That doesn't mean that players can't work hard and perform at a high level, but there isn't a big bag money buried somewhere on that ballfield, so there needs to be something else.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
I don't care what level you're at and whatever definition you choose, "fun" must be a big part of the reason you play a sport. Even the best pro athletes clearly love what they do.

When parents, coaches or players make the game into nothing but a "job", it starts to suck and people eventually walk away from what they think sucks. That doesn't mean that players can't work hard and perform at a high level, but there isn't a big bag money buried somewhere on that ballfield, so there needs to be something else.
So you see different approaches...neither describe what FUN is.

Maybe what you consider a job is to another person is there fun.



Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
So you see different approaches...neither describe what FUN is.

Maybe what you consider a job is to another person is there fun.


My comment works regardless of what one's definition of "fun" or a "job" might be. For me, simply defined, a "fun" activity is something I get more enjoyment from than frustration. A "job" doesn't have to be "fun", but what I get from it in terms of money or satisfaction has to clearly overcome whatever I don't like about it. If I'm not getting compensated (or don't need the money), and the activity frustrates me more than anything else, I'll find something else to do. That's why kids sports can't be made into a "job".
Aug 25, 2019
If you are not having fun playing softball, whether you are playing high level D1 or Rec ball, then what's the purpose of playing?.....It is only a game, if your not enjoying it, then why are you playing it?


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
My comment works regardless of what one's definition of "fun" or a "job" might be. For me, simply defined, a "fun" activity is something I get more enjoyment from than frustration. A "job" doesn't have to be "fun", but what I get from it in terms of money or satisfaction has to clearly overcome whatever I don't like about it. If I'm not getting compensated (or don't need the money), and the activity frustrates me more than anything else, I'll find something else to do. That's why kids sports can't be made into a "job".
Pardon here @Strike2
The reason of this post is to
DEFINE what FUN is to you.
With the purpose of pointing out FUN is a different deffinition for people.

Btw saying 'Like a job'
is no deffintion either.
There are plenty of people who enjoy our jobs. Eventhough its work. I have had several fun jobs. Currently as well.
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
If you are not having fun playing softball, whether you are playing high level D1 or Rec ball, then what's the purpose of playing?.....It is only a game, if your not enjoying it, then why are you playing it?
Yet there are people who will tell other people what they should do based on what they themselves want.
And not even recognize others may want a different opportunity to experience the FUN they are looking for!

What is your FUN?

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