Pitchers With Less Than Perfect Mechanics

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Apr 14, 2022
Cat has the spiral's working, good choice. Interestingly she was taught a stepping style and learned how to throw and pitch underhand, she learned how walk before she sprinted. I’m going to find her using the stepping style as a young pitcher, I have it in the vault somewhere.
The thing I have wondered about Cat’s motion is at 3 or 6 o’clock (not sure) the ball disappears behind her body. This is great for deception, but is that ok for younger pitchers? Attached a pic to clarify.


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Sep 19, 2018
care to expand or would you prefer to just essentially call me a dumbazz and move on?
Watch slow motion video of any of the women we use as models of good mechanics. The stride leg opens the hips a lot, then they start to close, and at release, hips are about 1/2 open, or about 45 degrees. I've never broken out a protractor to measure exactly. I don't know how Denny reached 55, but it is in the ball park. More importantly, there is no need to stride left to get hips open. Tincher does have a drill / warm up called "55 Wide" the feet and hips are set slightly open to allow the pitcher to only work the arm circle. Outside of introducing the drill, 55 has never been mentioned again.

My DD's org's resident pitching coach is a Tincher. In 3 years of watching pitchers her pitchers, I can tell you I never saw any of them habitually striding left off of the power line. Last summer she had her 3rd child under 5, so she is taking a break. They new PC is also a Tincher. She has 30 students (and a waiting list), again, as far as I can tell, none of them stride left.

My dd also sees a Tincher pithing coach (not one of the above). Over the years, I've watched the last 10-15 minutes of a lot of different girls. None of them stride left.
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Apr 14, 2022
Watch slow motion video of any of the women we use as models of good mechanics. The stride leg opens the hips a lot, then they start to close, and at release, hips are about 1/2 open, or about 45 degrees. I've never broken out a protractor to measure exactly. I don't know how Denny reached 55, but it is in the ball park. More importantly, there is no need to stride left to get hips open. Tincher does have a drill / warm up called "55 Wide" the feet and hips are set slightly open to allow the pitcher to only work the arm circle. Outside of introducing the drill, 55 has never been mentioned again.

My DD's org's resident pitching coach is a Tincher. In 3 years of watching pitchers her pitchers, I can tell you I never saw any of them habitually striding left off of the power line. Last summer she had her 3rd child under 5, so she is taking a break. They new PC is also a Tincher. She has 30 students (and a waiting list), again, as far as I can tell, none of them stride left.

My dd also sees a Tincher pithing coach (not one of the above). Over the years, I've watched the last 10-15 minutes of a lot of different girls. None of them stride left.
I watched a lot of video of different levels and 45 degrees +/- 15 degrees was what I saw with women. The few men I watched appeared about 10-15 degrees less. The men get more open on the leap, so I came to the guess hip rotation from landing to release about the same.

The hard part of all of this is possible the 2 greatest female pitchers are at opposite ends of the range. Cat one of the most open, Ueno most closed. 7” height difference too.
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
The thing I have wondered about Cat’s motion is at 3 or 6 o’clock (not sure) the ball disappears behind her body. This is great for deception, but is that ok for younger pitchers? Attached a pic to clarify.
Loading and unloading the scaps. It's a pretty good percentage of pitchers whose ball path disappears behind the torso.
Aug 21, 2008
Cat has the spiral's working, good choice. Interestingly she was taught a stepping style and learned how to throw and pitch underhand, she learned how walk before she sprinted. I’m going to find her using the stepping style as a young pitcher, I have it in the vault somewhere.
I don't follow, "spirals"?

Cat also came from the era where pitchers had to start with 2 feet on the rubber, which makes it hard to run a comparison to anyone today. Not to mention, she was the most controversial pitcher for a very long time because she would leave the ground during her delivery. She was a leaper, not a crowhopper. While the internet was around during her time at Texas and beyond, there wasn't much in the way of social media during her heyday. What there was online at the time, people would constantly be going off about how she was illegal and should be called illegal. And she did have a legitimate leap. And, at the time, leaping was illegal in all softball, International included. This is why she never went to Japan and made the big bucks the way Monica Abbott and 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist Michele Smith (among others) did. In fact, she was usually left off the team whenever the USA team would tour Japan or go over for the Japan cup tournament.
Apr 28, 2014
DD started to land to the left this season. With that came an increase in speed. She was throwing 64-65 in a game last weekend but her curve was flat and running on the plate. Her "screw" was the best its been but she struggled to control her change up. I told her to look at the video and this past weekend she was throwing 63-64 but landing more conventionally. Curve was back as was change. I think it's a bad habit and at least in my DDs case comes from bad posture and poor core stability. She does gain a little velo but the cost is great.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Loading and unloading the scaps. It's a pretty good percentage of pitchers whose ball path disappears behind the torso.

As it should with elite pitchers, they don’t take the body out of the way. You use your back.

Lesson 3, she is new to pitching.

Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
I don't follow, "spirals"?

Cat also came from the era where pitchers had to start with 2 feet on the rubber, which makes it hard to run a comparison to anyone today. Not to mention, she was the most controversial pitcher for a very long time because she would leave the ground during her delivery. She was a leaper, not a crowhopper. While the internet was around during her time at Texas and beyond, there wasn't much in the way of social media during her heyday. What there was online at the time, people would constantly be going off about how she was illegal and should be called illegal. And she did have a legitimate leap. And, at the time, leaping was illegal in all softball, International included. This is why she never went to Japan and made the big bucks the way Monica Abbott and 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist Michele Smith (among others) did. In fact, she was usually left off the team whenever the USA team would tour Japan or go over for the Japan cup tournament.

Spirals run throughout the body. God builds in spirals, even in plant life. Spirals run down the arm even and is what people call IR. That is spirals. Nothing is completely linear. Like Amanda’s back leg it turns inward snaps. That is great example of the spirals working in the lowerbody. I’m a certified Goata coach. Which trains the movements of The Greatest of all time actions, standing for GOATA. There’s another term, Woata, the worst of all time actions.

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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Cat has the spiral's working, good choice. Interestingly she was taught a stepping style and learned how to throw and pitch underhand, she learned how walk before she sprinted. I’m going to find her using the stepping style as a young pitcher, I have it in the vault somewhere.

I searched and searched,but I could not find Cat as a stepper. Dom’t know where it went.

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