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Feb 9, 2012
Dearborn, Mi.
Sorry I'm a bit stuck and need some advice from people who are around softball.

Last year was my DD's 1st year of TB and 1st year playing since 2010. She ended the season as a starter and played on a 14u team that played against 16u. She hit about .550 for the season. The coach was a yeller and a bucket thrower. In one game grabbed the pitcher by the mask, ya know, like football coaches used to do. By the end of the season she was ready for a change and prior to try outs the other 16u coach from the same org asked if she would like to play on his team if he could get approval, he would take her because of how she hit. He allowed it and I was pretty happy because as of last week, the old HC had/has 15 rostered players on his team.

Forward to this year, this coach is no yeller at all, he is a good guy. He has a DD on the team and the AC has a DD on the team. They are both 17 y/o on a 16u team and decent players. We went thru winter workouts, fall ball and weekend practices during and she only missed one. the HC stated if you miss practice it will effect your playing time. The one she missed was because of a concussion.

Here is where my issues lie:
-HC brought her to the team because she can hit and is batting her 7th. This weekends tourney they scored a total of 4 runs my DD drove in 2 of them. She is one of 4 people who had a hit in 3 games.
-They got mercy'd twice in those 3 games. The 3rd game the game was called after 2 1/3 innings. The infield was an error factory.
-The next tourney is NSA states and the bracket we are in is "gold" after watching this weekends games, they are barely a "B" team.
-My DD is one of 4 girls on a roster of 13 who played Varsity HS ball. She planned for the next 3 tourneys after the above mentioned to come watch as they are more local and so are the schools. At the end of the 3rd game, she was almost in tears telling me that was the most embarrassing display of team work and softball she's ever been a part of and there is NO WAY she is asking a college coach or her HS coach to come watch her.
-Gm 3 was slated to start at 6:30, arrival time was 5:30 and the game went into extra innings. They stretched and threw. I heard more than one girl ask if they could get some BP (HC doesn't bring a net /tee/wiffle balls) or fly balls. My DD asked if she could get some fly balls hit to them, I quote this "If you don't know how to track a fly ball now, doing it before this game won't help you".

There is so much more I could say about this, but my point is, I don't know if I have the heart to watch this level of ball all season and put her thru this all season. She has 6 more tourneys all at this level or above and even thou I think my DD may have some talent, she can't carry a team. Specially a team that doesn't seem to care or doesn't have the talent to compete.

Plain and simple do we look for another team or stick it out and hope it gets better? Of course this is dependant on what she wants to do but after how she reacted after today I'm guessing she can't take this type of play all season.

Thanks for reading and allowing me to vent. Now maybe I can sleep.
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Nov 29, 2009
There's good and bad new for your DD. The bad news it it's hard to change teams in the middle of the season, much less get a release. The teams looking for players usually are a mess just like what your DD is in. Usually not a good situation for players looking to improve their situation.

The good news is your DD is playing up this year. She still has 2 years at 16U. Pay very close attention to the teams you play against. See which ones are teams both on and off the field. Make some mental notes and hit their tryouts at the end of the season.
Feb 3, 2011
The season is over in 6-7 weeks and now you know at least 1 team that your DD will not be trying out for.

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