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Jul 8, 2014
My 14 soon to be 15yr old daughter is on a first year travel team and is having issues with the coach. The coach has been through 2 assistant coaches and has had to bring in girls to fill the roster for almost every tournament they have been in. He really knows the game but he has no people skills when it comes to girls. He gets his point across to them by yelling till they are almost in tears. I don't think they should be babied but he could be a little less abrasive when getting his point across. He wants to continue with the same girls next year when most of them move up to 16u. What I really want every ones opinion on is should I keep my daughter on this team or should we move on?
Mar 28, 2013
If he can not motivate and communicate he is lacking the most important aspect of being a good coach. Time to move on cause it will never get any better.
Mar 22, 2013
Sunny SC
Is your DD having fun? Does SHE enjoy going to practice, and to games on this team? Guessing the answer is no. Then your answer is simple. Find a new team next year. This IS supposed to be fun.
May 7, 2008
You know the answer. A young lady should not be made to think that a male can treat her that way. Encourage her to speak up.
Dec 7, 2011
Like was it Amityville Horror,..... "GET OUT".....

DD 18 yrs old now I look back and the wasted years were on macho-ego-drill-sergeant teams.

Now don't get me wrong - for the armed services they are NEEDED (and in short supply these days) BUT NOT ON A SOFTBALL FIELD OF GIRLS (yes OILF - men & women ARE different....)

Positive energy with the highest expectations of performance is the coach profile I would search for.
May 6, 2014
Low and outside
Sounds like a bad fit. My son likes a coach who gets a little surly sometimes. When I played, the minute you started yelling at me I tuned you out.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Is your DD having fun? Does SHE enjoy going to practice, and to games on this team? Guessing the answer is no. Then your answer is simple. Find a new team next year. This IS supposed to be fun.

I agree w/ this perspective.

My daughter is the age of the original poster's. She left a team last summer, and then another ''stop-gap'' team in the fall. (That was after being one one team for 4 years, just so people don't think she's a team hopper. :) )

Point I'm getting at is that SHE knew those teams weren't what she wanted. At age 14-15, they've been around the block enough to know what's a good experience and what is not. I'd trust your DD on this one.
Jul 31, 2011
I suggest you find a new team.

My daughter chooses her teams carefully, and a coach who is a yeller is a deal-killer for her. I told her that most coaches get caught up in the intensity of the game and will resort to yelling at some point. She calmly told me that male coaches who yell, scream, or use vulgar language toward their players or the opposing team are sending the message that it is okay for men to treat women that way. Very sound logic for a teenager.

Besides, it should always be fun. If your daughter is not having fun perhaps that is not the right team for her.

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