I'm one more snarky remark away from hitting a coach!

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Oct 14, 2008
So the other day, at the pre-game conference at the plate, I was apologizing to an ump about a very heated "conversation" we had during the previous game. I said "I still think you made the wrong call, and I lost my cool. Sorry about that..." The ump says back "No, it was fine. I did make the wrong call." My reply was "Yeah, you did. I got pretty angry."

(Very civil, huh? This ump and I are actually pretty cool. I run into him a lot...)

The other team's coach however, sticks his nose in at this point, and says "Just like a woman."

This is three times THIS season I have heard from a man coach some remark about my woman-ness.

How is a good way to remind them that softball is a sport full of GIRLS, and that as a GIRL myself, I am the only one of the bunch that really gets them?
I either need to find a good comeback, or I'm gonna lose it one day and deck one of them...:rolleyes:

Dont say a word and just walk away...... not worth be litteling your self in front of your girls........... but if all else fails and for good measure kick him in the twins
Feb 9, 2009
thanks for the input!
I typically just ignore the ignorant, and this forum gives me the place to vent when I need it. I would NEVER get into it in front of my team...they are too impressionable.

However, I am storing some of these quotes away...just in case.....
Dec 28, 2008
In my opinion the greatest thing we can do for these players, both as players and in life, is to help them understand that they alone are responsible for the 6" between their ears.

Just smile when others make comments like that and then talk to any players that overhear it after the game. "Ladies it's like this ... there are always going to be insecure people that come into your lives like Coach Bonehead of the War Eagles. Whether they are really coaches, teaches, boyfriends or whatever. They will try and gain control over you by pressing any buttons that you let them press. You ALONE are responsible for your actions and your efforts. PERIOD! You have to know who you are deep down inside. You CAN NOT allow others to bring you down. If you do, that is your fault, and not theirs. You can't control what others do or say, but you can sure control your reactions."

That speech would get a yawn after a Tuesday night practice, but would mean alot when they've seen someone try to attack you and watched you just smile and walk away. It would become a "real" life lesson at that point.


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