illegal pitching not called

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Jun 22, 2008
While I don't disagree with you, there are a couple of things I will say...........

As an umpire, I've done a few national tournaments. There are always a lot of D1 & D2 coaches at the big events. My experience has generally been that although we are there to officiate, we are to let the players play. They are the reason for the event & are there to be seen. For 18U Gold, most of the girls are already committed & 16U Gold is what most of the college coaches are there for. There are certain infractions that we're "encouraged" to show leniency on. Minor pitching infractions & slap hitters being out of the box are probably the 2 big ones.

It'd have to be something pretty flagrant to be called at a national gold event or at a showcase. If there a minor flaws, just let it go & let their potential college coach deem whether said flaw is a worthy or necessary fix.

I completely disagree, it is a national gold tournament, if they cant play by the rules of the game then they shouldnt be at the tournament. And, if the tournament directors and/or UIC's are telling the umpires to ignore certain infractions then shame on them. Either enforce the rules or take them out of the rule book.
Jun 1, 2013
While I don't disagree with you, there are a couple of things I will say...........

As an umpire, I've done a few national tournaments. There are always a lot of D1 & D2 coaches at the big events. My experience has generally been that although we are there to officiate, we are to let the players play. They are the reason for the event & are there to be seen. For 18U Gold, most of the girls are already committed & 16U Gold is what most of the college coaches are there for. There are certain infractions that we're "encouraged" to show leniency on. Minor pitching infractions & slap hitters being out of the box are probably the 2 big ones.

It'd have to be something pretty flagrant to be called at a national gold event or at a showcase. If there a minor flaws, just let it go & let their potential college coach deem whether said flaw is a worthy or necessary fix.

Maybe this is ok UNTIL the opposing coach brings up the infraction. At that point it is your job to enforce the rules and not use your discretion as to what is minor or not.
Jun 22, 2008
Maybe this is ok UNTIL the opposing coach brings up the infraction. At that point it is your job to enforce the rules and not use your discretion as to what is minor or not.

Coaches should have to request umpires to do their jobs.
Sep 5, 2012
I completely disagree, it is a national gold tournament, if they cant play by the rules of the game then they shouldnt be at the tournament. And, if the tournament directors and/or UIC's are telling the umpires to ignore certain infractions then shame on them. Either enforce the rules or take them out of the rule book.

You can disagree all you want but this is how we are being instructed! If you want to ignore the pre-game instructions of the tournament UIC or Director, be prepared to work fewer games or stay at home & watch on TV.
May 17, 2012
For showcases they should just modify the rules for the tournament if they are not going to enforce it so everyone is on the same page. Those that don't like the rule modifications can choose not to participate.

A common rule that is modified in PGF is they require 2 feet in contact with the rubber to start. I don't hear the outrage that they have modified an OFFICIAL NFHS rule in the rule book.
Mar 20, 2014
While I don't disagree with you, there are a couple of things I will say...........

As an umpire, I've done a few national tournaments. There are always a lot of D1 & D2 coaches at the big events. My experience has generally been that although we are there to officiate, we are to let the players play. They are the reason for the event & are there to be seen. For 18U Gold, most of the girls are already committed & 16U Gold is what most of the college coaches are there for. There are certain infractions that we're "encouraged" to show leniency on. Minor pitching infractions & slap hitters being out of the box are probably the 2 big ones.

It'd have to be something pretty flagrant to be called at a national gold event or at a showcase. If there a minor flaws, just let it go & let their potential college coach deem whether said flaw is a worthy or necessary fix.

I have to disagree with this argument as well. What is that saying to the players that are doing it right? "Well you have worked hard all of your softball life to do it correctly but we are going to let the cheaters do their thing because it is Nationals and a college coach might be there to watch them". Seriously? Rules are rules - either enforce them or get rid of them.
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Jun 22, 2008
You can disagree all you want but this is how we are being instructed! If you want to ignore the pre-game instructions of the tournament UIC or Director, be prepared to work fewer games or stay at home & watch on TV.

College showcase tournament they can do anything they want, a national USA tournament should be per the rule book and if the TD and UIC are saying otherwise someone should be reporting it to the national office.
Jun 22, 2008
For showcases they should just modify the rules for the tournament if they are not going to enforce it so everyone is on the same page. Those that don't like the rule modifications can choose not to participate.

A common rule that is modified in PGF is they require 2 feet in contact with the rubber to start. I don't hear the outrage that they have modified an OFFICIAL NFHS rule in the rule book.

PGF uses NFHS rules because of their beef with USA, they dont want to be connected with it in any way since they split off and started their own tournament. But, being as NFHS is the only rule set that allows the step back or only 1 foot on the pitching plate they had to make that rule change to be in line with every other rule set, especially college ball since they are promoting their tournaments as big college recruitment draws.
May 30, 2011
For showcases they should just modify the rules for the tournament if they are not going to enforce it so everyone is on the same page. Those that don't like the rule modifications can choose not to participate.

A common rule that is modified in PGF is they require 2 feet in contact with the rubber to start. I don't hear the outrage that they have modified an OFFICIAL NFHS rule in the rule book.

I'm getting the sense that PGF is just show business, not actuall compitition. While I get the whole "do as your UIC instructs" I believe at a USA National we should call it as written and would hope I was not instructed to ignore the written rules.


Jun 22, 2008
While I don't disagree with you, there are a couple of things I will say...........

As an umpire, I've done a few national tournaments. There are always a lot of D1 & D2 coaches at the big events. My experience has generally been that although we are there to officiate, we are to let the players play. They are the reason for the event & are there to be seen. For 18U Gold, most of the girls are already committed & 16U Gold is what most of the college coaches are there for. There are certain infractions that we're "encouraged" to show leniency on. Minor pitching infractions & slap hitters being out of the box are probably the 2 big ones. Not in championship play. You ARE there to officiate the game in which the score is recorded, teams advance and are rewarded. If that is not the target of the team, maybe they should stick to showcases. Many, if not most of these coaches attend the higher level tournaments to see specific players and how they perform in a competitive environment. The coaches already know what skills they possess from DVDs and showcases. The competitive game can paint a completely different picture of some players and parents. Yes, sometimes the coaches watch the parents and how they handle themselves during a game and around the team.

It'd have to be something pretty flagrant to be called at a national gold event or at a showcase. If there a minor flaws, just let it go & let their potential college coach deem whether said flaw is a worthy or necessary fix.

You call what you see when you see it. Remember, there are two teams on the field and they expect a level playing field officiated by the rules under which THEY chose to participate. Are there some things that should be ignored? Hell, no. There may be near misses when it comes to a player or coach doing something they should not, and a quick mention to the coach may e appropriate as a measure of preventive officiating, but an outright violation should never be ignored.

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