Ideal number of tournaments/games

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
What's the ideal number of tournaments to play for player development, IYO? Most parents/players don't pick teams based on this, and most teams play around 15 (+/-3) because that's what everybody else does.

DD is a HS junior who is on track to play college softball. Her TB team is full of similar, college-committed players.

Schedule was announced recently, and they are slated to play only 10 tournaments.

I've come to think that TB players put too much time into tournaments and games and less into development, so I guess this will be a chance to test that theory.

The reason I think games are overrated is largely the nature of the sport. I wouldn't say the same about basketball or tennis. Softball doesn't provide much individual action. You can spend 3 full days for 12 at-bats and 4 fly balls.

Another reason I believe a lighter schedule is better is that it helps prevent burnout and allows kids to be more well-rounded and to make their own schedules.

For this theory to work, a player must be dedicated to working hard on her own, and she must have the resources to do that. If there's no one to train with (that's usually a knowledgeable, available parent), you'd probably be better playing more tournaments. The availability of private instruction also can be key, and not all can afford that.
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
IMO...At your age you want to play as much as you can. Also you are no longer seeking trophies., are playing for “looks” from college coaches. You should focus on scheduling as many opportunities for college coaches to see your team and players as possible.

This should include a mix of showcases and tournaments. They will more than likely show up at showcases, but you should send them your tourney schedule too because coaches will sometimes put more weight on your play during the weekend. Coaches will come to tournaments without your knowledge.

They want to see how you conduct yourself in a game without knowing they are being scouted, what type of teammate you are, how you react and bounce back after a strikeout or error, what kind of effort do you really give to a fly ball in the gap or a grounder in the hole, etc.

They can make a pretty quick assessment of your skill level at showcases, they can determine if you have the athletic skills to help their team….what they can't see at showcases is what type of player you really are.

My suggestion is after school ball you should be playing every weekend. Have your players reach out to the coaches they have interest in and send reminders about upcoming tournaments.

Also...if you're a junior in high school right now, you will actually be considered a Senior June 15th (or when HS ends). My point is that this summer is the last opportunity for these kids to get "looks".
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
IMO...At your age you want to play as much as you can. Also you are no longer seeking trophies., are playing for “looks” from college coaches. You should focus on scheduling as many opportunities for college coaches to see your team and players as possible.

All the players on this team are committed. About half have already signed.

Your points about the needs of a showcase team might be correct, though. I personally think 'every weekend' is too much, even for a team in that situation, but good point about a showcase team needing to showcase itself.
Oct 10, 2011
Last year our team only did 8 tournaments and it was awesome! They got in more practice then the year before when they had 17 tournaments and no one felt burnt out at the end of the season. DD didn't feel the need to take a break at the end of summer and kept practicing. She was able to weight lift more than ever during the season even though she was working at a local restaurant. A friend of mine who is a local D3 coach thinks teams have gotten out of hand with their tournament schedules. It can be a financial burden on many families and especially the girls that aren't regular starters would grow more as as players getting more practice time in. Also, the extra time could allow them to possibly attend the college's clinics that they are interested in.
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Nov 29, 2009
Schedule was announced recently, and they are slated to play only 10 tournaments.

Is this for the fall and summer or just the summer? If it's for the summer there are only a limited number of weeks in the summer once HS lets out in June for most of the cold weather parts of the country. Also, where are the tournaments? Are they large showcase tournaments with travel and hotel costs? Many of the showcase tournaments are $1200+ to play in. What is the team budget? The entire team is committed already. Were the team goals outlined when the team was selected? Will there be friendlies scheduled in there too. Is the majority of the team local or do you have players traveling to play?

Putting out a number is not enough information to give you an informed opinion. There are too many factors that contribute to the number of tournaments a team plays.
Feb 26, 2016
Murfreesboro, TN
Is the majority of the team local or do you have players traveling to play?

Putting out a number is not enough information to give you an informed opinion. There are too many factors that contribute to the number of tournaments a team plays.

DD played in 7 last summer, but only 1 in our backyard. The others were more than 100+ miles away. Then 3 more in the fall, all more than 100+ miles away.

This year we only have 6 scheduled, but around 4500 miles of traveling. 16U with half committed and half not.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Is this for the fall and summer or just the summer?

Fall and summer

Also, where are the tournaments? Are they large showcase tournaments with travel and hotel costs? Many of the showcase tournaments are $1200+ to play in.

All require hotel stays for most players. One is a week-long event 2 states away.

What is the team budget?

Not sure. Not a factor, really. They could have upped the budget and played more and everybody would be fine w/ it.

The entire team is committed already. Were the team goals outlined when the team was selected?

Help get them ready for college ball.

Will there be friendlies scheduled in there too.

No, but there likely will be some. Maybe a weekend of them.

Is the majority of the team local or do you have players traveling to play?

Players from 3 states.
Apr 12, 2016
I think they played in seven last summer and it was great. We had 4th of July off to go to northern Minnesota and fish/tube/ski! I think it is a must to have at least one weekend off and two is even better in the summer.
Nov 29, 2009
Help get them ready for college ball.

It sounds like your coach made a smart decision with the schedule. Often teams will run into players who've signed and become less interested in playing an intense schedule. Sometimes the parents say when their DD is signed. "Why should we spend that much money going all over the country?" I've seen it happen.

I'm going to make an assumption here. Guessing from what you've said it sounds like your DD plays for program that is highly recognized as being a strong program. You're playing in some competitive showcases. The schedule's purpose it three-fold. First to keep the girls playing good competition so their college coaches can see them. Second, not to make it so intense the players or families bail for the above stated reasons. Third, he's playing for upcoming group behind your DD to keep the interest high in the program.

All this is a SWAG, but it seems to fit.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Most games are boring and DD pitches.

If she wants to play college I think DD needs to play OF, she seems to be lucky to get ball hit to her. We practice outside of practice because none of her teams practice OF enough. I need to ask her what is going on in her head. I have spent 100 hours to catch this 1 ball in game?

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