How to end a practice in a pandemic......

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Feb 12, 2014
Was wondering if anyone had any ideas on ending a practice in a pandemic. Traditionally, I bring the team together and go over what went well, what we can improve, and give any announcements followed by the team getting together, hands in, with a "team on 3" break.

I am not at all comfortable with having them touching hands or yelling (even masked) when in such close proximity to each other. Ending practice without the break seems like such a downbeat way to end.

Any ideas on ending a practice in a way that gives them a good feeling heading out the door?
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Maybe this isn’t what you are looking for but we still come together at the end and talk about it we just do it with a much bigger spread out circle.
We do the same, and bring our hands in but not touching. We have been playing since May and have not (fingers crossed) had any issues on the team. We did have a few parents that got it outside of softball and those players stayed out of activities for a couple weeks. Over 80 games and 10-15 tournaments.
Jul 17, 2012
Kenmore, WA
Our post-practice circle is just like it used to be, except we are spread apart. We still break out, just with the girls pointing their hands to the center. It lacks the energy it had when they were packed in close, but it still works.
Oct 4, 2018
Just space out a bit and keep it a bit shorter than usual.

It's a drag, but yes, us parents appreciate it.

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