Hips open or closed?

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Nov 25, 2012
Thanks for posting this study information FFS. It is interesting for sure. The last few weeks DD has been working on getting the hips at more of a 45. Her natural tendacy is more closed and we are falling somewhere in-between now which I think works and she is comfortable with. The variations in the best pitchers out there (some pictured above) is proof to me that we are in a good spot and I don't need to jack with it anymore (at least right now).


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Whitney isn't completely open at release. You can't get brush interference if the pitcher is completely open.

For young students, the advice is usually "get open, stay open", because almost all young pitchers close too much. But, as they get older, good PCs back off and let them close some.

*BUT*, you'll never find any good pitchers completely closing.
May 26, 2013
Ramstein Germany
If you're throwing a drop ball you can be more closed, for a rise ball you'll need to be more open. Experiment with it yourself, for a rise ball you'll need to slice under the ball for a backspin. Try it from both a completely closed and completely open position. Slicing under the ball from a closed position will get you a bullet spin. It seems as though the majority of top-flight pitchers are more open than closed. As someone mentioned earlier, the pitch can/will dictate optimal degree of open or close.
Mar 12, 2009
Whitney isn't completely open at release. You can't get brush interference if the pitcher is completely open.

For young students, the advice is usually "get open, stay open", because almost all young pitchers close too much. But, as they get older, good PCs back off and let them close some.

*BUT*, you'll never find any good pitchers completely closing.

I totally agree with everything said above but I might change it to say "completely closed at release" as there are a few who go ahead and close after the release of the pitch.
Oct 6, 2015
The reason I originally posted the questions was two phase actually.

1.) I don't want to teach my DD something and then go back and unteach it. ( I mentioned that one)
2.) I did not mention. I have been trying to teach her to get completely open, then abduct, then close to 45 degree or so before the brush. That seems to be what the majority of model pitchers do. However, DD either stays open the whole pitch or stays at 45 the whole pitch. I'm having trouble getting her to pull off both.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
If you're throwing a drop ball you can be more closed, for a rise ball you'll need to be more open. Experiment with it yourself, for a rise ball you'll need to slice under the ball for a backspin. Try it from both a completely closed and completely open position. Slicing under the ball from a closed position will get you a bullet spin. It seems as though the majority of top-flight pitchers are more open than closed. As someone mentioned earlier, the pitch can/will dictate optimal degree of open or close.

Which is why the vast majority of pitchers end up throwing a faux riseball. If you watch the orientation of the hips at release you can quickly determine if a pitcher has any chance of throwing a true riseball.
Nov 25, 2012
The reason I originally posted the questions was two phase actually.

1.) I don't want to teach my DD something and then go back and unteach it. ( I mentioned that one)
2.) I did not mention. I have been trying to teach her to get completely open, then abduct, then close to 45 degree or so before the brush. That seems to be what the majority of model pitchers do. However, DD either stays open the whole pitch or stays at 45 the whole pitch. I'm having trouble getting her to pull off both.[/QUOTE

MM, don't be afraid to teach and then unteach. I have done this several times and my DD still talks to me, well, sometimes....when she is forced to..:eek:
May 9, 2014
Umatilla, Florida
My dd struggles with the "hip snap" or closing at the end also.

I think it's from what she's doing at the beginning of her pitch tho? I think if she would get her push off the rubber right it would put her into a better position to do the quick open close hip snap move? Becaus I think it would make her feel rushed like when she gets good overlap and feels like she has to rush to bring her arms through? I think if she got a good push with a good leaning start it would force the rush to get open, and that would help with closing quickly or "hip snap" .

I don't know if I'm right it's just what I'm thinking.

I hate tacos- said no Juan anywhere
May 26, 2013
Ramstein Germany

I'll start a new thread addressing this very topic. My girls had trouble pushing off the rubber as well. Literally for months we experimented with better explosion off the rubber always emphasizing a hard drive foot push off the rubber. I watched countless video, over and over, just focusing on all the great pitchers coming off the rubber. Finally, after watching Monica Abbott for the millionth time it hit me, they're not pushing off the rubber to the degree we think. It's the glove side that explodes off and probably does eighty percent of the work. Once we turned our focus to that side versus pushing off the rubber harder it all snapped into place. Don't want to highjack this thread though. I'll start another thread and we'll pick up the discussion there.
Dec 10, 2012
Waterloo Ontario
I would have never thought that the back side would have had such a large effect but it makes sense. You need to get the back of the body going to start.

The push from the back side to get the leg going would be different thought right? A slight push to get the back leg and glove hand going. Could you describe that push, even if it is in a separate thread? I am starting drive mechanics with my DD so this is timely for me.

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