GameChanger App

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Apr 18, 2013
Just started using the GC app this weekend with our team. We all like it. Produces alot of info and something to study once getting back to the hotel. My question is... Can you add Tournament as a league so you can go and look at the stats of the girls for a certain weekend. Say we play 5 weekends and you want to go back and look at the 2nd weekend alone and see what our girl did. Or does it just tally up for the whole year?
Love to group them as weekend tournaments and all year as well.

Nov 11, 2013
I have been using Gamechanger for about 3 years now and I have not been able to isolate a particular weekend tournament without going in and changing the game information you want to collect to "Exhibition". You can then select the stats you want to see as "Exhibition". You would have to go back in and change them back to "League" so they go back into the total stats.

If someone has discovered an easy way to do this, I would be happy to hear it also!
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
I have been using Gamechanger for about 3 years now and I have not been able to isolate a particular weekend tournament without going in and changing the game information you want to collect to "Exhibition". You can then select the stats you want to see as "Exhibition". You would have to go back in and change them back to "League" so they go back into the total stats.

If someone has discovered an easy way to do this, I would be happy to hear it also!

Yea, what Catcher#17 said!
Apr 18, 2013
I hadn't thought of that. Good idea. I know iscore will let you create leagues but started with GC and like it.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
Use league, non-league, exhibition, and post season to your benefit.

I use league for pool and round robin games and non-league for bracket games. This lets me see what I need to.
Nov 11, 2013
Use league, non-league, exhibition, and post season to your benefit.

I use league for pool and round robin games and non-league for bracket games. This lets me see what I need to.

That's a good idea. I will try that this summer. I did see GC recently made it possible for you to score head-to-head. I think that would be really cool except it requires a lot of coordination pre-game between scorekeepers. Most times in tournaments you won't have that opportunity.


Feb 20, 2012
I have been using Gamechanger for about 3 years now and I have not been able to isolate a particular weekend tournament without going in and changing the game information you want to collect to "Exhibition". You can then select the stats you want to see as "Exhibition". You would have to go back in and change them back to "League" so they go back into the total stats.

There are @ 5 choices under "game type" that we use to separate games by tournament.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
That's a good idea. I will try that this summer. I did see GC recently made it possible for you to score head-to-head. I think that would be really cool except it requires a lot of coordination pre-game between scorekeepers. Most times in tournaments you won't have that opportunity.

This will be interesting. There is a hidden fundraising opportunity here = wagering on the between innning wrestling matches between opposing team's scorers.
Apr 18, 2013
I have looked into scoring with IScore as well. I think our parents and fans would like it better also being they wouldn't have to pay to see stats and reply game. Only thing, we score with two Ipads sometimes (not at the same time) and syncing them can be challenging.
If anyone has any tips with Iscore please reply

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