Critique / Help Series of Swings

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Got you... my bad... the tee position is a habit I have to break... She said she felt like with the deep tee that she really needed to get the hips open sooner to get the barrel to the ball... Is that the feeling she should have?

As I said to Mountie - if you coil tight in the set up and then launch the barrel correctly it should feel like you unwind...if she feels she needs to open the hips sooner it is because she is not coiled as much as you could/should be and that she is still trying to push the hands through and opening the hips makes this easier. Keep at it!
Jul 10, 2008
Central PA
Mountie if you are talking about the launch drill or SnF - you are not concerned with rotating. If you create a tight coil and launch the bat correctly you will unwind....don't need to force the rotation.

So if I'm seeing her swing right in the SnF drill, she is turning/rotating her shoulders and not coiling her hips, which is why I'm seeing lack of hip uncoil. Right?


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009

Knight. I've been busy and haven't looked at a lot of this thread, but after a short meeting this morning I have all day today.

I assume from what I've been reading on this page that MTS has suggested hitting illustrated's snf or one legged drills. I will be back with a couple tips after the meeting. A few changes and she will have it. It is really easy...moving it into and keeping the snf in a normal swing is what takes more work. Try it yourself also...once you get it, you will feel it and very easily see in every swing she does if she got it right or not. I promise once you have it, it will change every drill you want to do and how you do them.


I think you have to stand up and try it. toes face the pitcher. left foot on tippy toes for balance rest of weight on right foot/leg.

Twist your shoulders back and make sure your right knee does not twist back. You will need to bend your right leg and sit (stick your butt out) to get the feeling of your right leg and right hip joint coil tightly. Standing straight up and down won't give you the right feel. You should also bend over at the hip joints so you can look down and see a spot on the floor and not your foot.

Get your front shoulder pointed at the first basemen and launch/turn the barrel away from the first basemen to start the swing....once the bat gets turned rearward your body will seek balance and that will release your hips and spring you so to speak.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
(Sitting in meeting reading mts post) first thing I think is there is too much bend in her knee. Sit on your femur, feel your weight on the femur. Too much bend and I think you weight is held in the quad.


RHC - I agree - Twisting back more will also pull her out of the that position. Get the hamstrings and glutes more involved.
Sep 17, 2009
SnF examples collected over the years. I don't vouch that these are perfect, but they can give you a better idea:




Plus, "springing open" on the RIGHT (vs. front leg pulling from the front on the LEFT):


Finally: it's not ALL about the leg/hip coil. Once you have that set, do the following with the bat in " ready" position

1: pull back and tighten lower back
2: load hands/elbow to tighten scap - point knob to catcher, other hand load cues
3: tick back or turn the barrel rearward (between the hands) to instantly launch
4: leg hip should drive first / barrel sent backward initially will then follow

Again, I don't claim perfection here but these are cues and visuals that have helped me...


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Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
1: pull back and tighten lower back FEEL the stretch up the rear side
2: load hands/elbow to tighten scap - point knob to catcher, other hand load cues
keep tightening stretch between right leg turned forward and back pulling rearward
3: tick back or turn the barrel rearward (between the hands) to instantly launch
Make sure you understand that launch is a release, like a slingshot, not a hard push
4: leg hip should drive first / barrel sent backward initially will then follow
as teacherman told me that turned out to be right on, "make sure you swing OUT from the body, not around. And get behind the right leg pulling. As my dd works around, the 2 things to fall away are hitting out from the body, and hitting behind the rear leg
Again, I don't claim perfection here but these are cues and visuals that have helped me...
My thoughts in red^
TM was right on because that was our challenges as the drill moved around to a normal stance.....swinging out from the body, not around, and staying behind the right leg pull.

In my mind her swing is around:

Out from the body:
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