Building Your Own Personal Brand - Affecting College Recruiting

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May 24, 2013
So Cal
It's just reputation or image to me. When I first heard the branding term applied to people about 10 years ago it just struck me as odd and it still does. People have always marketed themselves to some extent, and Amanda's advice in the article is spot on for paying attention to what you put out there, but the term branding for people just grinds me. it is the same reason I don't like it when my favorite team is called a "product".

Okay. I get where you're coming from, JJ. I guess it's all on how you process the term in your head. Personally, it doesn't rub me the wrong way, but I can see how it would for some. No matter whether or not you use the term "branding" to describe it, I agree that paying close attention to how others perceive you, and making some adjustments to how you present yourself (not just physically), can make a big difference - not just in the college recruitment game.
Jul 16, 2013
I REALLY appreciate this comment because from the small number of posts I have put on here (in my 24+ hours of joining in on the conversation) I feel like this forum is going to be a no-win situation for me to talk about anything on here! I come from a different place, I'm not coming from ego, I'm coming from wanting to help softball athletes grow to their highest potential -- not just on the softball field, but OFF of the softball held, because THAT is what will help them succeed when softball is all said and done (because I hate to disappoint, but at some point it will be over :)

Trust me. Your input is valued by many on this site. There is a diverse range of people here; ranging from a small town TB coach like myself all the way up to someone like Rick Pauly. The majority of us have DDs that will never reach the level of success that you have, but that will not dissuade us from helping them reach their full potential, no matter what that may be. I think adding your input to this site can only help the posters here. Also, I spent several months as a troll on this site because I was too intimidated to get involved (especially the theological hitting group others have mentioned!). But the more I read and followed, the more I realized that there are a lot of good people here. Welcome! and I hope you stick around!
Jul 16, 2013
Okay. I get where you're coming from, JJ. I guess it's all on how you process the term in your head. Personally, it doesn't rub me the wrong way, but I can see how it would for some. No matter whether or not you use the term "branding" to describe it, I agree that paying close attention to how others perceive you, and making some adjustments to how you present yourself (not just physically), can make a big difference - not just in the college recruitment game.

100% correct in my book. I am not sure what the best term is, but the process is here. Like it or not. I don't think the theory is any different than that of "first impressions", but with modern technology those impressions can be made a lot faster and in many different ways. Nowadays many people can make their first impression without even meeting you. Often, by the time they meet you, it is already too late.
Feb 7, 2013
My main goal when have posted has not been to brag about what I know, but to help others find out information that they might not have known in the first place to help their daughters in any way possible earn a college scholarship and/or be able to compete at the next level. I want to be able to share this information to help shed light, but I am not really wanting to do it at the expense that everyone on here is going to disagree with me and talk about what I am saying is completely wrong. So maybe I am in the wrong place :) And that is fine! Thoughts?

Amanda - remember that there are hundreds of people who view this site on a daily basis, so don't let a few contrarian members scare you off. We'll keep them in line for you:) Someone with your experience can and will add much depth to the content of this site. Keep up the good fight...
Jun 18, 2010
My main goal when have posted has not been to brag about what I know, but to help others find out information that they might not have known in the first place to help their daughters in any way possible earn a college scholarship and/or be able to compete at the next level. I want to be able to share this information to help shed light, but I am not really wanting to do it at the expense that everyone on here is going to disagree with me and talk about what I am saying is completely wrong. So maybe I am in the wrong place :) And that is fine! Thoughts?

Amanda, I would really hate to say hello and goodbye in the same post. It would great for you to stick around, there's so much that we could learn from you. These forms tend to have an ebb and flow to them and it may take you some time to figure out which posters add value and which posters fulfill the role of trolls and contrarians. There is a wealth of information to be found here as well as a lot of knowledge that is shared on a daily basis. One of the strengths of the site, and what keeps many of us coming back, is that most do not just take what is posted at face value, they are really seeking a deeper understanding and also the truth. My advice is don't feel compelled to have to respond every single comment made to you. I can see as a national figure for softball, your posts are automatically going to attract a certain amount of attention over us other mere mortals that frequents here.

As Rocket mentioned in the other thread, many of us who are parents of pitchers are fighting an uphill battle to decipher the difference regarding what's being said, taught and marketed as pitching instruction to what is actually happening. We have several independent thinkers who are or have become experts in slow motion analysis and breakdown for specific body movements who have helped us understand the disconnect between what has been marketed to us versus what what we see the top level pitchers (yourself included) doing.

There are many topics that you would add immediate value too and I hope you stick around and at least offer your opinion or blog about.

Thanks for stopping by.
Jul 2, 2013
Sports, and by definition softball, is a performance industry.

Softball has no money in it, other than the scholarship money colleges offer.

The key for college softball is to find the college who will offer you money for your skills.

As a player, you do not want to be "branded" as a better player than you really are. If you are, you are not as good as advertised, and ultimately you wash out. The other college players on your team are not "branded" and are better players. They are better players who take great delight in beating the "brand". Be careful with this one folks (don't spend money). It is better spent increasing DD's performance. Performance trumps all.

Don't give me this junk that everybody is great and nobody notices. Bull. My DD is great, does not "brand", and in fact she tries to hide from folks that want to give her money. They e-mail every day, and is increasing. Life is good, other than I cannot get DD to see "my" light.

That is what happens in the real world folks. Fluff it up all you want. This is the cold hard reality of what happens in the highly competitive game of softball.

That is the whole problem with this "Branding" (advertising in my day). Don't pay your hard earned money, better to get her in the cage.

Nothing new here folks, Advertising (trying to get your money). Listen folks, especially young ones ... softball life has changed dramatically with a slew full of folks looking at your back pocket to "help" you reach your dreams. Glad I grew up when I did.

And they still have not responded directly as to whether HITTING is better than BRANDING. They won't because the truth hurts. They really just want your $$$.
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Dec 20, 2012
Sports, and by definition softball, is a performance industry.

Softball has no money in it, other than the scholarship money colleges offer.

The key for college softball is to find the college who will offer you money for your skills.

As a player, you do not want to be "branded" as a better player than you really are. If you are, you are not as good as advertised, and ultimately you wash out. The other college players on your team are not "branded" and are better players. They are better players who take great delight in beating the "brand". Be careful with this one folks (don't spend money). It is better spent increasing DD's performance. Performance trumps all.

Don't give me this junk that everybody is great and nobody notices. Bull. My DD is great, does not "brand", and in fact she tries to hide from folks that want to give her money. They e-mail every day, and is increasing. Life is good.

That is what happens in the real world folks. Fluff it up all you want. This is the cold hard reality of what happens in the highly competitive game of softball.

That is the whole problem with this "Branding" (advertising in my day). Don't pay your hard earned money, better to get her in the cage.

If a kid is wanting to play college ball, top D1 level, then it is the parents, coaches, recruiting coord. to make her look as appealing a possible. Don't present yourself looking better than you are? Are you serious? That is what ALMOST every person, company, product on earth does, plain and simple! If it anyone's goal to get a job, scholarship, even a date then they sell themselves. They do their best to make that school, company,.... say "that is exactly what I am looking for!". And you keep saying that all softball has to offer is an education. Piss on that!!!! Some girls may have ZERO interest in college but absolutely LOVE the game and want their career to go on as long as possible. If that means 4 years playing college ball then that is OK. After school they may want to be a house wife, work for a family business or a vocational job that doesn't require a degree. And your ideal of what the "real world" is, well that is a little off tilt. There are literally TONS of kids that are every bit as good or better than your dd that will never have a chance to play for a big D1 program. Because of exposure, perspective, or whatever reason. If you can play, they will come running is absolutely FALSE! Your right the scholarship $$ is scarce. There are so many "known" GREAT players that are competing for scholarships that the Gasso's, White's, Candrea's don't sit up all night looking at random youtube videos hoping to find the next big thing. And on the other side you see kids that may not be as good as advertised(you know, because they "branded" themselves) but played on the right TB org, were at all the big tournies, went to the camps, kept in contact with coaches. They branded themselves, did what was necessary in order to get that scholarship. And all the talent in the world will not get you squat if you can't make the grades, period! And just because a kid can hit big in TB games means absolutely nothing! Because what you think is a stud SS that makes plays in TB means absolutely NOTHING!! Coaches look at talent that coincides with what they coach/teach, they watch things you or I probably over look. Yeah she can throw 70 overhand but she can't throw out of the hole. Yeah she hits a ton when they throw her low and out but she drops her hands, is all arms and that is about all she can hit. She will never touch a rise. Not to mention all the uncoachable aspects of the game; attitude, respect, coachability, how they handle themselves when on their own, etc. etc ..... So for thinking that talent WILL be found and "branding" will not get you a top scholarship, you are dead wrong! It happens time and time again every single season.
Jan 25, 2014
As the person who wrote one of the personal branding blogs and a teammate of Amanda's (who's "brand" is fantastic as a person and player ps), I read all these comments and wanted to share more insight on the branding concept. I played at A&M, I wasn't an All-American, wasn't even a starter every game of my career...but the way I played and the way I represented myself, my teammates, and my university represented my brand. And that's what people remember. And that's what I'm most proud of. I'm remembered way more for being a competitor and a great teammate than for my statistics.

My blog about personal branding for female athletes wasn't necessarily about "selling themselves" (trust me I'm a PhD student who studies women's sports and that's a whole other topic!). I define a brand as an identity, or a reputation as one person suggested. Softball, FORTUNATELY, is growing at the youth level and there's a lot of talented players out there and a lot of quality programs they can go to. Besides your softball skills, what DIFFERENTIATES you as player?? And that to me is important. I call it a brand, you call it whatever you want. It's basically your character, what do you stand for. THAT'S WHAT COLLEGE COACHES WANT. Yes, they want talent. But I have played with and coached college kids with tons of talent but they weren't coachable, they weren't willing to learn, they didn't have good attitudes or strong work ethics. Those intangibles make up who you are and they're a part of the entire PROCESS. Your identity.

I'm assuming a lot of parents on here are wanting to help their daughter get to the next level. Talk to them about being the whole package: person, student, athlete. That's their "brand" or "identity". There's a lot of talent out there which is fantastic, but a big differentiator is character. Their brand reflects all of these elements. Talent and athleticism are extremely important...but don't forget work ethic, attitude, mental toughness, coachability, competitiveness, confidence...all of those characteristics also make up ones "brand." :).....just my thoughts!!!! I love that Amanda posted on here, it inspired me. And I think it's super important that former players discuss things that helped make them successful!!
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
I REALLY appreciate this comment because from the small number of posts I have put on here (in my 24+ hours of joining in on the conversation) I feel like this forum is going to be a no-win situation for me to talk about anything on here! I come from a different place, I'm not coming from ego, I'm coming from wanting to help softball athletes grow to their highest potential -- not just on the softball field, but OFF of the softball held, because THAT is what will help them succeed when softball is all said and done (because I hate to disappoint, but at some point it will be over :)

I've already posted several times I want to SHARE information and talk softball from my travels around the country (literally) of working with players of all ages and even around the college networks. I post things from my own experience as a former player or as a current coach as literally I am talking to girls of all ages, and not to mention I was one.

EVERY situation is contextual and has situations that "depend" on other situation. There is NO one size fits all in sports and in softball.Nothing is every absolute, except for the fact that if the bases are loaded and it's a 3-2 count and the next pitch you throw is a ball that a hitter does not swing at that is outside the strike zone, a ball will be called and a run will come across the plate. (I know from experience)

My main goal when have posted has not been to brag about what I know, but to help others find out information that they might not have known in the first place to help their daughters in any way possible earn a college scholarship and/or be able to compete at the next level. I want to be able to share this information to help shed light, but I am not really wanting to do it at the expense that everyone on here is going to disagree with me and talk about what I am saying is completely wrong. So maybe I am in the wrong place :) And that is fine! Thoughts?

For the Love of Sweet Mary Jane do not leave! There are many like myself that read read & read to better ourselves and give us the best tools to teach/coach/mentor our daughters and their teammates. Knowledge is power and this forum is loaded with good stuff that folks like myself depend on. Also, many like myself choose not to get into the many back & forth discussions....I just read the forum, take it for what it's worth and use it to the my best of my abilities. (I have more PM conversations than open forum ones).

What I am saying is you might get some negative feedback from a few that disagree with a particular post (which is normal and expected)...but there are hundreds you don't hear from that that you HELP and are happy and glad for your contribution.

Knowing who you are I am very excited to continue learning from you either here or on your website.

Thanks for everything...the truth is you have no idea how much you have helped me already over the past few years.

(We Love the Powerdrive)



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