Avg number of pitches per inning/game

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Nov 26, 2010
My wife has used game changer for several years. So we have looked at these stats for a few pitchers over those seasons. Pitches per inning for successful pitchers tend to be under 16. Bear in mind a strike out pitcher might run a bit higher then one who induces a lot of ground outs. Also 65% strikes seems to be the magic number much higher and it seems batting average against goes up much lower and walks be one an issue.

A key number is first pitch strikes the likelihood of walking a batter after a first pitch strike goes way down and getting her out goes way up. One number to ignore seems to be pitches per batter I find the pitchers with the lowest pitches per batter are the ones serving up cookies early in the count.
Jul 17, 2012
My wife has used game changer for several years. So we have looked at these stats for a few pitchers over those seasons. Pitches per inning for successful pitchers tend to be under 16. Bear in mind a strike out pitcher might run a bit higher then one who induces a lot of ground outs. Also 65% strikes seems to be the magic number much higher and it seems batting average against goes up much lower and walks be one an issue.

A key number is first pitch strikes the likelihood of walking a batter after a first pitch strike goes way down and getting her out goes way up. One number to ignore seems to be pitches per batter I find the pitchers with the lowest pitches per batter are the ones serving up cookies early in the count.
60% sounds like a good number. In theory, foul balls not considered, 50% will prevent walks. Get up in the 75-80% range and it's a hitters advantage, unless she's refined enough that she's hitting corners with that high strike %. More likely than not....75% or beter is a result of grooving the ball on every pitch.....not ideal. Controlled mayhem seems to work best in my experience. Pitchers missing and hitting the zone = Game play. Pitcher grooving strikes 4 out of 5 pitches = Batting Practice.

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