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Feb 25, 2019
This is her just working on getting off the pitching rubber, she does a better job of keeping her hips underneath her but I can tell she needs better frontside resistance.

Well this a few pitches from the other night. Simply working on moving off the pitching rubber as fast as we can. We definitely have a ways to go. This clip has 3 pitches and its mixed. The first pitch is her most common miss and I can really tell the she is flying open with her glove arm.

Then a couple of clips from tonight. I apologize for the quality, just me videoing on my phone trying to catch.

We worked on squeezing the butt cheeks in our drill work prior to pitching tonight, and then we tried to quiet down our load. Lots of ugly pitches tonight but the ones that didn't go crazy, were very good.
Nov 4, 2015
I agree with Coach James. Even if SHE wants it, they will have days their heart isn't in it. One of the best things I have ever done is learn to say, "Last pitch and we go get ice cream". Spend time with my daughter and go at it again another day. Tell people all the time, even though it is frustrating to see them not reach their potential, I don't want to build a ballplayer and lose a daughter.
Jul 14, 2018
One of the best things I have ever done is learn to say, "Last pitch and we go get ice cream".

This is super important. Pitching is hard and can be very frustrating. It's good to notice when your daughter's mechanics are breaking down, but it's even more important to recognize when she's had enough for the day. Becoming a pitcher isn't a sprint or a marathon, it's more like the Tour de France. Celebrate winning a stage when you can, accept that the occasional flat tire is going to ruin your day.
Oct 4, 2018
113 As a coach when I see this body language, I have to assume she's not "all in"... I can only go off of first impressions here. She looks either really tired or pissed off...
Are you 100% sure she wants this?

I was going to say the same thing. She looks so unhappy. :(

I hope it was just discouragement in the moment and not how she always looks when pitching. When I start seeing my daughter get really frustrated or worn down, we stop. I feel continuing on days like that just does more harm.

And while I have no idea how you talk/act when you're with her, please go easy on her. Don't make this no fun for her. <-- You may not be, I just put that out there for everyone to remember. This is supposed to be fun.
Jan 5, 2018
Pitching is not easy....especially good pitching.

Lots of girls go out a chuck it at 8-10/11u....and then decide it's not for them.

I acknowledge there's many paths to being a good pitcher...

From the video, I got the impression she was not enjoying it. AND there is a difference between not enjoying it and frustration that requires you to work/dig to get it right. I love to see frustration in a player....if it means they care and they are going to work hard to overcome the challenge. When it becomes too frustrating is when they walk away.

Not saying this in you DD's case...but I see in a LOT of players that "want" to pitch until it doesn't come easy and requires a lot of work to become competent.

Pitching, especially the older you get, becomes a sport with in another sport.

No one knows your DD better than you do. Keep it fun at this age and set small achievable goals that reinforce accomplishments and stair step your way up.

And finally.....don't lose the daughter trying to build the player.....great advice from eagle6.

Nov 8, 2018
This is her just working on getting off the pitching rubber, she does a better job of keeping her hips underneath her but I can tell she needs better frontside resistance.

Well this a few pitches from the other night. Simply working on moving off the pitching rubber as fast as we can. We definitely have a ways to go. This clip has 3 pitches and its mixed. The first pitch is her most common miss and I can really tell the she is flying open with her glove arm.

Then a couple of clips from tonight. I apologize for the quality, just me videoing on my phone trying to catch.

We worked on squeezing the butt cheeks in our drill work prior to pitching tonight, and then we tried to quiet down our load. Lots of ugly pitches tonight but the ones that didn't go crazy, were very good.

For starters her move to her right is a big problem. Hip shoots out and causes a lot of issues. Can’t I/r in this position. Her arm on the down swing goes out to in also because of it.

Watch here. Her fingers never get behind the ball thru release. As she I/r’s at release the fingers should move behind the ball ay some point. Hers slips off the inside of the ball. Ie ball falls to the ground.
Just a couple observations.

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Nov 8, 2018
I also agree with all these posts about attitude and the relationship between dad and father/mother- coach. It’s brutal. I’ve had my wars with dd and it’s not fun sometimes but to be realistic to understand they are your dd and that is more important than throwing 65mph.

Know when she is done and shirt it down before she losses total confidence. I’m learning and it does help. Next time out is usually better.

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