Question about scholarship % for the ones that have made it to college.

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I guess that insisting on a percentage might be ok that first year but for the majority of scholarships handed out, they are year to year and so, everything could change that second year. Of course, my dd didn't have the option for the 4 year offer that some of you now have. It was not uncommon to see someone receive an amount lower than their freshman scholarship amount that second year and/or 3rd year.
Nov 18, 2013
If I was a parent I would insist on a percentage instead of a fixed $ amount.

We asked for and received the percentage freshman year. Once she got on campus they gave her a stack of forms to sign. One pertained to future scholarship years and changed it to a dollar amount and of course she just signed away without knowing what each document said. Perhaps ISU is the only school that does that, or it was something her old coach did. I suspect it happens at other places too though.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
FTFY Just clarifying that it is possible for athletes to receive tuition discounts that don't count against scholarship limits (e.g. interstate agreements, tOSU's National Buckeye Scholarship).

My dd was "in state" in a school in Missouri and we live in Illinois. However, that same treatment was given to all qualifying applicants for enrollment if this is what you mean by "interstate agreements." Also, there are "in region" awards from many universities that are treated the same. Great point!
Nov 18, 2013
Academic money also doesn't count against allotted scholarships if it's available to ALL students.
Mar 26, 2013
We asked for and received the percentage freshman year. Once she got on campus they gave her a stack of forms to sign. One pertained to future scholarship years and changed it to a dollar amount and of course she just signed away without knowing what each document said. Perhaps ISU is the only school that does that, or it was something her old coach did. I suspect it happens at other places too though.
It could be a conference thing as P5's have moved towards guaranteeing all schollies for 4 years.
Feb 14, 2010
You need to ask the coaches all the hard questions. When my dd went through the process we had a sitdown with ALL the coaches and I asked every question possible in regards to the scholarship. It`s your dd`s future so don`t be shy.

My dd`s scholarship covered everything including meals plus now a full schlolarship athlete gets a cost of attendance stipend at most power 5 schools and that quite a bit of extra money.
May 16, 2016
You need to ask the coaches all the hard questions. When my dd went through the process we had a sitdown with ALL the coaches and I asked every question possible in regards to the scholarship. It`s your dd`s future so don`t be shy.

My dd`s scholarship covered everything including meals plus now a full schlolarship athlete gets a cost of attendance stipend at most power 5 schools and that quite a bit of extra money.

Can you go into more detail in regards to the "stipend"? I have heard of some very talented girls receive what is called a stipend included in their scholarship but I have no idea what that money is directed towards.
Feb 14, 2010
It`s just extra money being paid to full scholarship athletes to cover things like parking and other incidentals that the athletic scholarship doesn`t cover. IMO it`s just another recruiting tool beause every school has a different amount they will pay.


Feb 20, 2012
OK, now that we have covered the basics of what percentages cover, lets complicate the equation with some academic money. BTW - most schools will not let you "stack" or "combine" athletic scholarships with financial aid. Something to keep in mind as some players may qualify for more money in financial aid than they would in athletic and academic scholarships, so do not be afraid to ask! Most schools have an online worksheet parents can fill out to estimate the amount of financial aid they may qualify for. College coaches are usually all over this since a player on financial aid does not count against their 12 scholarships.

If your DD receives a 50% scholarship, which includes tuition/room & board/books/fees/meals, then she receives an academic scholarship, that money is on top of her athletic scholarship.

$20,000 - tuition/R&B/books/fees/meals
- 50% athletic scholarship
= $10,000 total outstanding
- $2000 academic scholarship because your DD kicked rear on ACT
= $8,000 anticipated out of pocket

$20,000 tuition/R&B/books/fees/meals
-$2000 academic scholarship
= $18,000
x 50% scholarship
= $9,000 anticipated out of pocket

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