Again, the number system???

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I know that the number system is supposed to have a lot of benefits with speeding up the game being one of them. However, the Michigan stands up and stares at the dugout for ever signal. That slows the game down. Parker for Oklahoma stood staring into their dugout earlier in the game and gave the impression that she didn't know what the call was. Eventually, she stared down at her wrist, mumbled some number and then stepped up and threw a pitch.
Mar 9, 2015
I know that the number system is supposed to have a lot of benefits with speeding up the game being one of them. However, the Michigan stands up and stares at the dugout for ever signal. That slows the game down. Parker for Oklahoma stood staring into their dugout earlier in the game and gave the impression that she didn't know what the call was. Eventually, she stared down at her wrist, mumbled some number and then stepped up and threw a pitch.

Was thinking same thing


Feb 20, 2012
Biggest advantage of the wrist band numbers is they are pick proof if used properly. Coaches need to choose pitches quickly to avoid slowing down the game, but that happens with regular signs too, but then the pitcher is starring at the catcher instead of into the dugout.
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Gear Empress
Mar 10, 2016
Just behind home plate
I know that the number system is supposed to have a lot of benefits with speeding up the game being one of them. However, the Michigan stands up and stares at the dugout for ever signal. That slows the game down. Parker for Oklahoma stood staring into their dugout earlier in the game and gave the impression that she didn't know what the call was. Eventually, she stared down at her wrist, mumbled some number and then stepped up and threw a pitch.

I've seen the wrist coaches before but I've never understood it and never used it. I ran into my coach at Wal Mart on Thursday and she's talking about maybe using them next season. How does the number system usually work? I wear the evo gaurd wrist guards. If we go to the wrist coaches, how do I make it work with the evo gaurd shields I currently wear?


Dec 1, 2010
I've seen the wrist coaches before but I've never understood it and never used it. I ran into my coach at Wal Mart on Thursday and she's talking about maybe using them next season. How does the number system usually work? I wear the evo gaurd wrist guards. If we go to the wrist coaches, how do I make it work with the evo gaurd shields I currently wear?

Typically I've seen that the coach will have a sheet with columns for the different types of pitches and randomly generated numbers. You have a mini sheet on your wrist so you can take the number and decode it to whatever pitch was called. Coach crosses off the number so it's never used again and therefore impossible to pick signals.

Here's an example:
About | Catch The Sign

The bottom half of the page shows what the coach and player get. Of course you could reuse the sheets, but using the same one will lead to getting signals picked. Rotating a couple sheets would probably be safe. When pitching changes occur at the collegiate level I've usually seen them switch sheets due to different pitches and possibility of running out of numbers.

As was previously said, the delay usually happens from the coach deciding which pitch to call.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I've seen the wrist coaches before but I've never understood it and never used it. I ran into my coach at Wal Mart on Thursday and she's talking about maybe using them next season. How does the number system usually work? I wear the evo gaurd wrist guards. If we go to the wrist coaches, how do I make it work with the evo gaurd shields I currently wear?

Back in my olden days of coaching, lol I made wristband sheets on excel with 5 grids on them. Each grid had 5 rows and 5 columns. On my coaches sheet I had pitches and locations. Each had several 3 digit numbers associated with them. i call out or sign out a 3 digit number. The girls look to their wristband and the first digit = which grid. Second digit = which row. Third digit = which colomn. So 3-4-2 = grid 3 row 4 colomn 2. And in that square would be dli...which= dropball, low, inside. Went to it because we had a back up catch that would mess up signs, then we had a #3 pitcher that we were pretty sure was getting signs from her dad and would blam the back up catcher when called out on not throwing the called pitch.

Dd's team uses them now, but they are from all over kingdom come and don't practice together, so works well for them.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Back in my olden days of coaching, lol I made wristband sheets on excel with 5 grids on them. Each grid had 5 rows and 5 columns. On my coaches sheet I had pitches and locations. Each had several 3 digit numbers associated with them. i call out or sign out a 3 digit number. The girls look to their wristband and the first digit = which grid. Second digit = which row. Third digit = which colomn. So 3-4-2 = grid 3 row 4 colomn 2. And in that square would be dli...which= dropball, low, inside. Went to it because we had a back up catch that would mess up signs, then we had a #3 pitcher that we were pretty sure was getting signs from her dad and would blam the back up catcher when called out on not throwing the called pitch.

Dd's team uses them now, but they are from all over kingdom come and don't practice together, so works well for them.
I like this idea a lot. Thanks I might steal it!
Oct 4, 2011
Are the top colleges using this for offense as well? Personally, I am not a fan of it for offense. Takes too much time imo...
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
If it takes too much time, it's on the coach making the calls. They are fast and easy and fool proof if done properly. I have seen our team be slow and fast with them. It's all based on the decision of what to call. I have watched some NCAA teams that have someone only working the calls and usually have a couple already lined up before they pitch the last one called. In TB, it's usually just a coach making the calls. We use for O and D and have had no missed signs unles the player forgets their arm band.

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