When The Org “Hissy Quits”!

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Dec 11, 2010
What I read is that too many players were not committed to the team and found better things to do, which, when added to the pitcher's injury, made it too difficult to field a team. Did I miss something?
No- you are correct.

This situation was handled extremely well. The org head used an extraordinary amount of good judgement and made the players who went above and beyond feel extremely satisfied with their last travel ball season.

The warm regards extended to these players was unmatched. Would commit to his thoughtful leadership again. Class act, Five stars.
Last edited:
Jun 27, 2021
I read it as, families/players are not bought in. Enough that it makes it difficult to know who is going to play and who is not week to week. Top top to bottom this does not seem like a organization that knows what's going on.
Feb 1, 2021
I read it as, families/players are not bought in. Enough that it makes it difficult to know who is going to play and who is not week to week. Top top to bottom this does not seem like a organization that knows what's going on.

Its just a really messed up time to be a graduating senior. Some kids want to make up all the time lost socially due to COVID. While I would certainly call BS if MY kid tried skipped a tourney for a social event, I do understand that all kids do not have the same priorities. I can only guess we all know that teenagers are somewhat unpredictable. From the org side, I assume they think they are holding everyone accountable to their actions, and to a degree I also understand that as well. They obviously didn't care about the collateral damage and that's where it goes off the rails for me.

To those dedicated to being a good teammate and to the org, you got screwed. No doubt about it. You have every right to be angry. Just glad it worked out for the OP and your DD.

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