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Jun 8, 2016
This is an important concept in my opinion. The reason I like the term 'dynamic' so much is because I really don't think a hitter can be successful by being 'static'. I don't want to stretch and then hold that stretch. I want to adjust my stretch dynamically so that I am ready to 'launch' (I really don't like that term...) when the time is right. Essentially that is what I think Hosmer is talking about in that video.

To be highly non-technical, there is an underlying "rhythm" to hitting, which when you are hitting well, feels wonderful. It is the pitcher's job to get you out of it.

Ok, back to the regularly scheduled PhD course in hitting :cool:
Jul 16, 2013
To be highly non-technical, there is an underlying "rhythm" to hitting, which when you are hitting well, feels wonderful. It is the pitcher's job to get you out of it.

Ok, back to the regularly scheduled PhD course in hitting :cool:

Lol! I was hoping you would throw down some of your knowledge. I love the physics stuff.
Jun 8, 2016
Lol! I was hoping you would throw down some of your knowledge. I love the physics stuff.

Nah, dude. Labor day, no school today!!

Edit: Plus, Mud always makes fun of me when I go Feynman on all of you up in here and it hurts my tender ivory tower feelings :)
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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
MB ... greatly appreciate the discussion.

If the perspective is that the torso is loading in preparation for 'swing launch' then I'm fine with that as what is being 'loaded' ... only for me, and what I teach, the tension is relatively low up until 'swing launch'. Referring to that as 'late stretch/load' makes sense to me. For me the 'loading of the torso' up until 'swing launch' is on the light side. That allows for slack removal, looseness for upcoming quickness, and the building of that 'torso loading' to serve as an element for 'timing the ball' ... although my real feel is that of the torso 'preparing to pull'.

I liked your mention of the torso stretch going down to the rear thigh. That's a good feel IMO ... and for me it suggests that the hitter will make better use of the ground. In a sense the torso preparation spirals around and upwards ... not exaggerated like a golfer's back swing, but more a mini-spiral. That spiral is in a sense reversed for the torso-hip/engine. In this way the hips/torso don't simply turn, but also make use of the ground ... and hence the 'spiral' type movement. So a few pages back where TM was working with a hitter that showed a 'feel' of spiraling upwards, that same feel can be felt in reverse (to a much smaller extent) during the 'timing of the pitch'/'separation'/'preparation of the torso to pull'.
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Apr 11, 2015
MB ... greatly appreciate the discussion.
Thanks FFS, I'm enjoying, and much appreciate our [friendly] vs. emotional discussion also...and why I'm enjoying post here, and won't at "that other place". We had our tiffs in the past, but you've always stayed above it, no matter how hard I tried try drag you into the muck. Making an effort to not go back to my less than appropriate, and suitable ways of the past...but feel free to kick my in the arse when I start losing grip, and reverting back into the "mud", and not my present lovable "MB". :D

If the perspective is that the torso is loading in preparation for 'swing launch' then I'm fine with that as what is being 'loaded' ... only for me, and what I teach, the tension is relatively low up until 'swing launch'. Referring to that as 'late stretch/load' makes sense to me. For me the 'loading of the torso' up until 'swing launch' is on the light side. That allows for slack removal, looseness for upcoming quickness, and the building of that 'torso loading' to serve as an element for 'timing the ball' ... although my real feel is that of the torso 'preparing to pull'.
Yes to the bold, and all I'm looking to achieve with the "load[ing]" simply to allow the hitter to be "sudden" when s/he decides to "GO!" or "swing" to keep our terms congruent.

I liked your mention of the torso stretch going down to the rear thigh. That's a good feel IMO ... and for me it suggests that the hitter will make better use of the ground. In a sense the torso preparation spirals around and upwards ... not exaggerated like a golfer's back swing, but more a mini-spiral. That spiral is in a sense reversed for the torso-hip/engine. In this way the hips/torso don't simply turn, but also make use of the ground ... and hence the 'spiral' type movement. So a few pages back where TM was working with a hitter that showed a 'feel' of spiraling upwards, that same feel can be felt in reverse (to a much smaller extent) during the 'timing of the pitch'/'separation'/'preparation of the torso to pull'.
Yes to the bold also. Never understood how folks were talking about swinging/launching w/o the ground as one of (if not "the") first areas of pressure application to get things started...and was part of the initiators that reversed the rearward turning hip(s).

EDIT: Sorry Five, I just got a PM from pattar....
Edit: Plus, Mud always makes fun of me when I go Feynman on all of you up in here and it hurts my tender ivory tower feelings :)
...saying that I don't qualify to use the word "intellectual", so I had to go back, and change it to "friendly"... LOL!! :) ;)
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May 3, 2014
Not IMO ... step one is the torso-engine ... step two would be the hands. Then a hitter can feel how the barrel action induced by the hands/forearms resists the forward pulling movement of the torso/hip-engine.

That said ... we've seen pros demo a two-stage progression drill where they take care of the hands first and the torso-engine second.

Not trying to change your mind. I get immediate results from the hitters I work with getting them to TTB. Then we build in the real power. And as you mention many pros will work the hands first and body second.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Is congratulation in order.......?

Isn't the 'loading/load' of the rear leg.....
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Jun 8, 2016
EDIT: Sorry Five, I just got a PM from pattar....

...saying that I don't qualify to use the word "intellectual", so I had to go back, and change it to "friendly"... LOL!! :) ;)

Don't misquote me, I actually said you cannot even spell intellectual nevermind being able to use it to describe your conversations :p

In all seriousness, nice discussion going on here!!


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
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