Buying into Peel vs Roll Over

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Oct 31, 2010
My dd loves the peel drop and throws it more than her fb or cu. It was super easy to teach/learn and she started throwing it in games right after learning it.
Jun 13, 2009
How MANY YEAR HAVE YOU BEEN DOING IT. IF YOU THROW IT OUT THERE, BE READY TO BACK IT UP TOO. Hillhouse doesn't change his mech to throw a peel drop and doesn't use a hello elbow to do it, nor does he teach it. Osterman doesnt hello elbow her peel drop. So how many years have you been doing this?

Are you sure Hillhouse wants you throwing his name out there in your debates? I don't know how well you know him so I'm just asking, not looking for you to fight with me too! I used to forward him these threads now and then for him to reply but he told me a week or so ago at lessons that he's not going to be posting here anymore. Not that he posted on here every day but, it's really a shame.

Apr 25, 2010
I think what nanotech MIGHT be trying to say (forgive me Bryan, if I'm wrong) is that Hillhouse doesn't teach it that way. The way Hillhouse teaches a peel drop is more of a change of release, and that will drop on it's own if it has the proper spin. Some instructors teach a peel drop where you "rip the seams" by pulling the hand sort of back and really pulling your fingers across the seams on release. Some instructors teach a peel drop where you are pulling your fingers vertically up the back of the ball and into a hello elbow type of position. I will say that we use the Hillhouse method because he is DD's weekly instructor and we trust him 100% with her development. I really can't comment too much on the other types because a) I'm not a pitching instructor b) DD has never been to any pitching instructor other than Bill c) what works for one student may not work for another.

And I don't think any of us should try to guess at how Hillhouse feels about any given thing. I've known for a while why he won't post here anymore. That's his business to share as he sees fit. It's also his business to worry about who is speaking for him. FWIW, Bryan's DD did lessons with Bill all last summer, so he does know him.
Jan 25, 2011
Bill is a great person and I was not trying to speak for him. I just know what he has taught my dd and Crystlemc is correct with he has also told my dd.
Aug 4, 2008
Sorry to hear that Bill won't post anymore. His knowledge and experience was valuable. I know we have a number that won't post but will respond only to PM's. Bill has his own website and I'm sure if anyone asks him a question he would get back to them. I ran into him roughly 12 years ago and I was impressed. He has played the game at the highest level.
Nov 23, 2012
Thanks everyone for the posts. DD has progressed at a moderate pace since beginning pitching. Began with a HE & step instructor. We left that and moved onto leap. Developed very good accuracy and a good change. We are in no rush to jump in and get 7 pitches going. 2 pitches can be worked on. Doesn't mean that it has to be this year that either gets thrown in games, we are patient. I wanted to ask also, would it be good progression to start riseball spins now for the move to 14u next year? Clocked dd at 50 (yes by 2 diff guns and not a habit of checking speed, once every 6 months).
Apr 25, 2010
wildcat, my DD started working on her rise spin when she was 12u. It took her about a year and a half to get it to "work". What her instructor did was showed her the grip and how to make it spin the way it needed, then she would spin the ball while watching tv, riding in the car, whatever. Then, as that got comfortable, she would do k's with it, then progress to "circles", then eventually a few at full pitch, until it has been integrated into her arsenal. It takes time, so don't rush to try to be game ready with it. It could take 6 months, it could take 2 years. I would say it's probably the most difficult to master. So yeah, work on the rise spin, but work more on getting that drop game ready. Once she has that down, come back and ask about finger pressure on that drop... :)
Apr 25, 2010
Why do the peel drop and roll over drop...drop? They have the same spin as a fastball. Do you believe they have more rotations?

Len, I would assume this to be the case most of the time. I also believe that, some of the time, it drops simply due to the fact that some girls throw it as an off-speed, so gravity takes it's toll.

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