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Jun 24, 2010
Again, appreciate the feedback a north, but nose on the ball absolute has been debunked by lots of video Shown here and elsewhere. I understand the need to pick up the ball early, but the late hold is not required to square up on the ball. I'm sure Five has some frames showing this.

I guess I'm using an old term. I agree with what you are saying. I'm talking about taking the eye off the ball before it makes contact. I STILL have to remind DD of this. It usually raises it's ugly head when she's trying to incorporate something new in her swing.
Jul 16, 2013
I like it. Why slap? Why not just stay on the RH side?

This was honestly my first thought as well... Overall, this swing looks eerily familiar to my DD. IMO, my DD does a good job of using her upper body, hands, etc. but would benefit from a better understanding of getting her lower half more involved. That is what we are working on now. Some of the advice I have received on here and at BBD has her moving in the right direction.


Apr 26, 2012
If I was able to post...I would comment on...

Your DD looks like she loads her shoulders and then unloads with her shoulders. Also looks like 'spinning' in her rear leg.
Again JMHO.

RD, Are you saying No overlap? Also, I'm not sure what spinning on leg means; I think I've read it before but can't remember. I think she keeps it pretty it pretty solidly feeling IR, which gives her pretty good base for resistance into the load. I know it's not refined and lacks some depth, but I'm not seeing all back, all forward you see here. Am I understanding you correclty? You have a pass to post here.


Softball Sponge
Dec 7, 2014
Surprise Arizona
Also, I'm not sure what spinning on leg means;
By no way am I an expert, but I think RD is talking about the old "Squish the bug." That's all I ever knew until recently and now I am seeing more and more videos and posts saying that the rear leg should be used to push, but not "spin." Just a guess at what RD might mean by that.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
RD, Are you saying No overlap? Also, I'm not sure what spinning on leg means; I think I've read it before but can't remember. I think she keeps it pretty it pretty solidly feeling IR, which gives her pretty good base for resistance into the load. I know it's not refined and lacks some depth, but I'm not seeing all back, all forward you see here. Am I understanding you correclty? You have a pass to post here.

Spinning as the whole rear hip, leg, & foot turning as one unit.
I'm not seeing all back, all forward you see here.
Didn't post that but, I was thinking that is what I see. Might be the placement of the ball on the rope that is causing the 'flaws' that I am seeing.
I think RD is talking about the old "Squish the bug."
I don't see the 'spinning' from the rear foot up. The 'spinning' is rear hip down.
I comment and said what I seen.
Take care and good luck.:)
Last edited:
Jul 16, 2013
Ok, Crankermo threw it down, so here it is. This is DD who switched to lefty slapper about 8 months ago. Prior to the switch, we had worked on her swing for about a month or so. This swing is from her first righty session back last week, as we have decided to work both sides for now. During her lefty slapping period, I did not work with her. Fire away boys and girls.



Is that a home made setup you have there? If so, can I ask what type of wire/cable you used?


Apr 26, 2012
Spinning as the whole rear hip, leg, & foot turning as one unit.

Gotcha, you are seeing the hip as the top of the bottom instead of the bottom of the top. I'll check it out.

Didn't post that but, I was thinking that is what I see. Might be the placement of the ball on the rope that is causing the 'flaws' that I am seeing.

I don't agree. However, I do think her swing is not nearly as refined as I would like it to be. I would like to see better separation in some swings, but she does get there on her better ones. I have spent about 4 or 5 man hours on this swing, but plan to put more time into it now that she has decided to switch back to righty.


Apr 26, 2012
This was honestly my first thought as well... Overall, this swing looks eerily familiar to my DD. IMO, my DD does a good job of using her upper body, hands, etc. but would benefit from a better understanding of getting her lower half more involved. That is what we are working on now. Some of the advice I have received on here and at BBD has her moving in the right direction.

FP, unfortunately, I had a really bad guy tell my DD she will only slap when she gets to him in HS, so she switched. He told her she was too small to hit. I made a big mistake allowing my DD and others on my team to let this man coach them. We are still picking up the pieces form this horrific experience. He nearly decimated my team, and set back their hitting and throwing mechanics. Amazing con artist.


Is that a home made setup you have there? If so, can I ask what type of wire/cable you used?

No FP, it's a swingaway. I actually have an extra one someone gave me. If you are in socal, you are welcome to it. I'm sure a homemade setup wouldn't be to difficult either. You can actually buy the whole bungee and ball assembly on ebay. Setup a frame with some pullies and you are set. You don't really need the net that it's attached to.

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