1st year 14u - Swing mechanics what to work on

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on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
If you think of "loading the upper back" as pulling back the bow, that should be done as she is moving out and not before.
Thanks, i do, i guess i see my DD moving her shoulders and torso. She is not pinching her scap 'loading her upper back' just twisting farther away from the pitcher. I assume this to be what W=W to be stuck. So there's no real load.

however i guess i dont see that happening before her stride, except for the fact that she is already partially turned/twisted before stride. Otherwise i didn't see much action before the move out.
Jun 8, 2016
however i guess i dont see that happening before her stride, except for the fact that she is already partially turned/twisted before stride. Otherwise i didn't see much action before the move out.
Look at the swing you posted in post 293. As she is gathering (e.g. moving back towards the catcher) she is "pulling back the bow"


on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
Look at the swing you posted in post 293. As she is gathering (e.g. moving back towards the catcher) she is "pulling back the bow"
Maybe thats the confusion, i have not separate the 'gather' from move out. I don't want her to 'gather', ie as she sits into rear heel, that should start to move out. No need to rock back and forth. So anytime i see her front foot up, that to me is the 'move out'. HOwever, as somebody noted, she has a negative move to her move out, which you are calling the gather.

I see in the Josh Donaldson video a big leg raise, but his rear leg never moves back, so to me it is all a part of the move out. Is this something that i have missed. Or is it not wise to try and eliminate the gather and just go straight to move out? Again, maybe another misunderstanding i had with W=W' s terminology if he was saying she was pulling back during the gather, that makes sense. hmmmm.
Jun 8, 2016
Maybe thats the confusion, i have not separate the 'gather' from move out. I don't want her to 'gather', ie as she sits into rear heel, that should start to move out. No need to rock back and forth. So anytime i see her front foot up, that to me is the 'move out'. HOwever, as somebody noted, she has a negative move to her move out, which you are calling the gather.

I see in the Josh Donaldson video a big leg raise, but his rear leg never moves back, so to me it is all a part of the move out. Is this something that i have missed. Or is it not wise to try and eliminate the gather and just go straight to move out? Again, maybe another misunderstanding i had with W=W' s terminology if he was saying she was pulling back during the gather, that makes sense. hmmmm.
Some hitters gather without having a negative move (e.g. move towards the catcher) and some hitters gather contains a negative move. The type of gather is a style thing and just prepares a hitter to move out. If the gather puts the hitter in a position where it is difficult to move out on time and balanced from it is an issue.

Here is a hitter (Torres) who has a fairly large negative move:

I know there are some instructors that want no negative move at all but I don't think this is an absolute. Rhythm is a big part of hitting imo and for some having a negative move helps with this. Sierra Romero has a fairly large negative move as well:

Sierra does have a "hand load" (e.g. moves her hands back) during her negative move but it doesn't appear she is really engaging her upper back until she moves out.
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May 12, 2016
your video is unavailable. Griffey didn’t have posture? how about these guys? Are they forward bending more or are the legs sinking them more buying time? Posture the same? I do prescribe to adjusting like Ted said, get into the legs more to hit the lower pitch.

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I’m not saying Griffey didn’t have any ?. Also a lot of hitters get into the legs more when they are fooled by something off speed.. Manny may be into his legs more on that pitch he is way out front on.. but his posture he is also bending at the waste more. For the record, I didn’t say the legs don’t play a role in establishing posture... I just don’t believe posture is preset.. how much lateral tilt will depend on pitch location which happens at heel plant/toe touch... the Betts and Miggy stills illustrate that quite clearly
May 12, 2016
FB, the Casey Smith drills I referenced in regard to staying connected should be easy to follow.. that should fix the hand drag issue and it’s A practical Approach. No need confusing your DD with a lot of technical terms and jargon. Like I said earlier too much info coming your way and I understand how that can be stressful or frustrating. I would start with those drills so your DD can feel that movement... he’s so easy to understand that you could just show her the video and ask her to try with her own interpretation. Again JMHO. He also has tons of material on posture.
May 12, 2016
I also agree with pattar and previously mentioned this, I believe she would have success with the tee swing in the game.... so I would work on little things right now.. less is more in this situation.
Oct 2, 2017
ok, thanks. Now after i watch the Dr Ferree bits and look at the article of is more separation good, that really contradicts this. Wow, this is really getting to be something. This video is just like the J Stone progression bits with PVC, so nearly the same. But the more separation of the muscles the less power you have. i forget what article it was but showed at almost the most contracted and the most stretched is really where muscles fade and dont have power. So this is actually counter productive. I like what DrD;s DD is showing. Which has little to none of that. unless i didn't see correctly.

No problem, if that's the way you feel. I'm just trying to point out that Length by trying to reach back for more , is not "Separation". It's just simply Length. in the swing. The longer you get, the more muscled up your are going to need to be to get everything going. JMO


on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
FB, the Casey Smith drills I referenced in regard to staying connected should be easy to follow.. that should fix the hand drag issue and it’s A practical Approach. No need confusing your DD with a lot of technical terms and jargon. Like I said earlier too much info coming your way and I understand how that can be stressful or frustrating. I would start with those drills so your DD can feel that movement... he’s so easy to understand that you could just show her the video and ask her to try with her own interpretation. Again JMHO. He also has tons of material on posture.
Thanks, will try those after this weekend.

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