Should umpires signal/announce a fair ball?

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Aug 23, 2016
Another question: I have had more experienced umps tell me not to call "FOUL!" for foul balls. Just raise both hands above your head. But, I call it out because I think it is a disservice to the players, especially runners, if you don't. I've seen runners at first sprint all the way through third before the looked/realized that the ball was already in foul territory. What say you?

DD's coaches tell them to ignore anything they hear from anyone other than the first and third base coaches. I've heard too many parents (and sometimes coaches) yell "FOUL" on a fair ball and the kids aren't familiar enough with the umpire's voice to know who's yelling.
May 27, 2022
To answer your follow up, signal on each foul ball every time. Loud vocalization signal on balls along the line. The foul straight back to the screen that everyone knows is foul doesn't need the huge vocalization.

My dad was battalion commander in a national guard unit when I was growing up. I learned how to use the big voice but also when not to. Comes in handy with this job.

Edited to fix my typo

I learned my loud voice yelling up at family members from the basement...
Sep 29, 2014
One mechanic is to signal with the arm INSIDE of the baseline (pointing fair).........there is no verbalization (provided you have a good home plate ump moved up into the best position to make the call). The signal should be given as the ball is determined fair. It could be when it is touched or when it splats chalk or when it silently flies over 1st/3rd base.

Foul balls are verbalized. Close foul balls should be verbalized loudly with arms up. Balls fouled away behind the catcher and out of play obvious to everyone there do not need a verbal. Arms up indicate ball is dead and time is out.

I am interested if any other umpires signal "FAIR" other ways.

This is the key NEVER call foul or point fair as the ball is rolling close to the line in the infield. The ball needs to be touched and go past a base before a call and signal (foul) or signal only (fair) is given.

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